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Their friends were waiting outside the room, like expected. Skylar stayed inside for a few minutes getting homework that was given out, not wanting to fall behind on any assignments. Sirius stood waiting outside the door for her, while he was there he filled his friends in on what she told him.

"I heard about that" Peter said "I wasn't aware that was his department, I would have said something to her if I knew"

Sirius tried to keep his rolling eyes to himself but he wore his annoyance like a mask.
"You've stayed away while she's had all these issues with Jackburn, and now all of a sudden you want to play the good guy? Cut the shit"

Before Peter and Sirius could argue any longer, James cut them off. Sirius mentioned Skylar was going to end things with Rowan. He couldn't wait to see his face when she stood her ground.
"So she's going to do it?" He asked Sirius

"Yeah after potions. Maybe it'll be a single project class, I don't want her feeling like she has to partner with him" Sirius said leaving his argument with Peter alone for the moment.

"I'll be his partner" James said flashing his famous Potter grin "oh we will have so much fun"

Skylar showed up with a large stack of papers
"Ok I've got it let's go"

Sirius noticed she had more than what was a normal amount of homework
"Why do you have so many papers?" he asked taking a hold of her items including her bag that he swung around his shoulder meeting his own. Skylar was going to stop Sirius from grabbing her bag, but it was truly heavy and her shoulder could use a break from lugging it around all day. Skylar carried every book she owned for her 6th year classes in her bag and some extras for when she had free time. Rowan had never once offered to carry her things.
"Your bag is heavy...I'll carry it from now on" he said proudly. If he could take any extra weight off of her delicate shoulders, he was going to. 

Remus smiled at his friend, he could tell James wanted to ruin the moment but he kept to himself. Peter grew green from seeing Skylar's smiling face aiming towards his friend. He's been occupied this year and it seems that he's losing his chance with her every day. Peter didn't bother talking to her when she was with Rowan, he's massive in comparison to Peter. Now that she was talking about leaving him for good, he felt that his chance was opening up. Not if Sirius was going to take that place though.

"Well thank you" Skylar said trying to hide her blushing cheeks. She cleared her throat "and I've got yours and mine" she answered confused by his question "don't worry I'll get it done by dinner"

Sirius looked at her with a sort of sadness. She was so used to doing extra work that it didn't even cross her mind that there was a possibility of her never having to do more than just her own ever again.
"Sky, you're not doing my homework"

"No really it's ok, I can manage it" she said back, smiling. Sirius could read pass her smile. This was a smile she gave to Rowan when he would put his work load on her shoulders.

"No I'll do it, please don't worry over my school work. You won't need to do anyone else's ever again. I will do mine after class"

Remus wanted to make fun of his friend for his statement, seeing that he always waits until the last minute to finish assignments and if Remus had offered to do his homework he would have jumped at the opportunity. Except he knew what this moment meant to Skylar. Someone who was used to being used, was free again.
"We help each other out in our group, but we never expect someone to take on another's work" Remus said to Skylar

"What am i going to do with all that extra time?" Skylar said out loud
Again, Sirius felt a tinge of sorrow for her.

"What do you like to do for fun?" James asked

She pondered on his question. Face crinkled in a thought filled way. Sirius thought she looked so cute with the giant question mark over her head.
"Study" she answered

"And?" James asked again

"Sit in the library..." she said unsure "and study"

"Ok Remus Jr" James said, stumbling over Remus' foot that was stuck out in front of him.

"Oh I like to look at the stars and—"

"Study them?" James finished for her, Sirius pushed James over. He fell on his side but he was right back up, pushing Sirius over now. The two started wrestling each other in the hallway as other students tried passing by them. Skylar chuckled at the two best friends. Seeing them be so carefree together made her really miss Lily.

"I used to do a lot with Lily" Skylar voiced

Sirius stopped in the middle of grabbing James' head. Now that Skylar was getting away from Rowan, his next problem to deal with was Lily and her relationship. Simple fact was that he was going to be with Skylar for their lifetime. He knew she was the one for him, no one could come close to how he felt for her. James and Lily had to get married too, there was no question it was going to happen. Lily and Skylar needed to be friends again for Sirius' happy future to be a reality.

"When are you going to kiss and makeup with her?" James asked emphasizing on the kiss part

"Probably around the same time she agrees to date you" Skylar said back

"Well that's going to happen so don't you worry you're pretty red hair about anything. Lily and you will figure things out" James said opening potion's doors for her.

Skylar nodded her head in thanks and walked inside the mostly filled room. Skylar saw Lily sitting with Severus as usual, her own normal place next to Rowan was still available. She could feel her palms get slick from moisture, her nerves were acting up again. If she sat with Rowan she would have to deal with him all class and he might try to win her over again. If she didn't sit with him she was going to mess up the seating arrangements that her friends had always had. James partnered with Sirius and Remus partnered with Peter, 6 years of that group being each other's partners. She didn't want to impose on their arrangements.

Then Skylar watched in disbelief as James walked over to Rowan's table and sat beside him.
"Hello partner" he said to Rowan, fist on his chin, face twisted in a cocky way.

Rowan turned to look at James, he wore the same look of irritation that she saw too many times while being by his side.
"Hate to break it to you Potter, but this is Skylar's seat. She knows where her place is" Rowan looked from James to Skylar, expecting her to walk over.

Skylar couldn't see James' face but if she had to guess it would be similar to the one Sirius wore. Free of the laughter the group was enjoying before they walked in, not one emotion lay on Sirius' face. The only way you could tell he was enraged was in his eyes. Pure hatred inside his swirling stars.

"You're right she does know her place" James said back, an edge to his words.
Sirius took his cue to reach for Skylar's hand and begin walking to their seats. This was a moment for Skylar to stand against Rowan. She hesitated. Not because she didn't want to take his hand but because it felt too personal, she was still in a relationship with Rowan and wanted to respect that. Even if he didn't deserve her loyalty. Sirius moved his hand to behind her back, acting as if that's where he meant for it to go originally. Skylar moved with him to where James would have taken residence.

Rowan watched Sirius pull out Skylar's chair and then place her bag and his under their desk. Potion's classroom was located in the dungeons near her common room, a spot that stayed cold and drafty from being under the lake. Typically Skylar needed more than just her uniform in this class, she wore a scarf and long socks to cover her legs. This time, the room was heating up with hostility. Rowan and Sirius were staring at each other, challenging one another silently. Sirius waited for Rowan to try to play his mental games with Skylar, James waited for that moment too.

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