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Sirius made sure the coast was clear before helping Skylar up the through the crawl space. Once she was standing again he bent down to look at her leg, something he should have done in the beginning. Skylar shifted away, but Sirius lightly grabbed her foot and lifted her leg up to his face to check the injury. Skylar saw her skin blush, furthering embarrassing her. It was bad enough that their moment was ruined with her bleeding, but now with his face so close to her leg, she felt further embarrassment.
Sirius didn't comment on her red skin, he refrained himself from making a crude comment. He already felt bad about the way he initially reacted, he didn't want to make her mood worse.

"No comment?" Skylar said waiting for her normal tone to show itself again

"Well I don't think we need to amputate it" Sirius said smirking up at her

"I meant about my skin, but I'm glad I get to keep the leg" she said pulling it out of his hands but all that did was make her off balanced. Shadow leaped from her shirt to avoid the collision that Skylar was inevitably falling into. Sirius got off his knees, quick like his chaser skills taught him to be, and grabbed Skylar preventing her from falling. He had one hand behind her back, just above her ass and the other holding her leg still.

Sirius leaned his face into her neck, his words kissing her tender skin.
"You mean your soft skin" he said moving his hand closer up her leg, resting behind her knee

Skylar gulped, loudly. One moment he was shaking with the idea of kissing her, the next he was in her personal space whispering sweet words. Though she had to admit his hands were her favorite, callused and rough. He brought friction to her delicate skin, moving his hand slowly up and then backed down again.
"Yeah uhm...." Skylar said "that skin"

Sirius placed her leg down and pulled her back to both of her feet, letting their moment die again.
"I wanted to be nice but if you prefer I bring on the tomato jokes I'll start now" he said smirking

"No" Skylar said quickly

Footsteps could be heard above their heads, Skylar didn't think much of it but Sirius grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to a hiding spot by a few barrels. Skylar called over Shadow and her kitten ran over to her open arms, deciding that she was safe to sit with again. The footsteps became louder, then a door creaked open with a short stubby man walking his way through it. He walked down the stairs and towards the opposite end of the basement to collect items that he needed, looked to be candy, and then went back to his business upstairs. Sirius waited until the footsteps disappeared before letting Skylar and himself out of their hiding corner.

"Are we at honeydukes?" Skylar asked passing Sirius' jacket back to him but he shook his head, he wanted Skylar to keep wearing it.

"Yeah, it's where the one-eyed passage leads. Keep my jacket, it'll be cold outside and you might need it" Sirius said adjusting his leather piece around her body. He took a strand of her hair and twisted it around his finger, marveling in its perfection.

"You'll be cold without it" Skylar said watching his finger make curls with her hair

"I'll tough it out" he said smiling at her

"No" she said feeling annoyed "I don't want you to catch a cold, please wear your jacket. I have a sweater I'll survive" she tried taking it off but Sirius stopped her hands

"The last thing I want to see is you shivering in the cold weather, keep my jacket" he said, voice unyielding

"Fine but I'm buying you a new one" she said back, feeling triumphant

"You're not buying me anything" he said ending her thought before she let it go further "how about I buy you another jacket and then you have two?"

She rolled her eyes
"How about you take your damn jacket back and then I'll allow you to buy me one of my own" she smirked at him this time "maybe if you had warned me we would be going outside I could have better prepared"

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now