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The train ride back for Skylar was unbearable. She walked to the train station with her friends after being dropped off by Fleamont Potter but waiting there for her was her brother. He saw the friends she was with and scowled deeply.

"Why are you with those boys??" He said in his way of greeting her as if he still had the right to scold her.

Sirius James and Remus would have stayed by her side but she dismissed them, saying she would meet them on the train again. All but Sirius left, Skylar had to reassure him that she was going to be ok and for him to leave her. He grabbed her bag, expecting to see her again before school, and walked onto the train. He looked at Skylar again before disappearing, making sure she was truly ok with him leaving. When she nodded her head he felt ok enough to walk without her.

Skylar looked from where Sirius left back to her brother who was still waiting for an answer.
"My friends, the ones who took me in when you threw me out, is that what you mean?" Skylar said head high like he always taught her.

"Things are-are-are" he sneezed "complicated right n-n-now" he sneezed again "is that?" He said pointing to the only thing she had in her possession.

"A cat yes, my friend Sirius gifted me one for when I'm at school"

He glared at her carrying case
"It better stay at sc-sc-school" another sneeze

"Shadow is coming everywhere with me, where I go he goes. I'm going to miss the train" she said dismissing her brother but he grabbed her shoulder

"Skylar" he took a deep breath "I'm sorry...I wish..." he stopped speaking. Whatever he wanted to say didn't make it further than his mind.

She shook his hand off her shoulder and kept walking. She was still very upset with what he did, forgiveness wouldn't come so quickly. The male who took her in when she would have been sent to foster care, the one who supported her unconditionally throughout her life, kicked her out of their home. She wasn't going to forget the way she felt when she was forced out. How cold and broken she showed up to the Potter's. How she just wanted to feel safe by her brother's side after having a hard year, only for him to distance himself.

Skylar kept a tight hold on her carrying case and started for the train. She looked back once and saw Liam wasn't around anymore. He had disapparated from the station, the Liam she knew would have been begging his sister to forgive him.

Before she could walk onto the train, another hand grabbed for her. This hand landed on her arm, she whipped around expecting to see her brother once again but she saw a male with dark hair and dark eyes. Rowan was the newest face to greet her.
"Hi pretty girl" he said in a way of greeting. He was tan again, his time in Hawaii seemed to paint his skin with slight color.

She was constantly on edge with Rowan now. Was she going to get the sweet Rowan who held her tightly when they slept? Or was she going to get the one who grabbed her hair and shoved her into a cement wall?

"Hi" she said back. She was going to break up with him still. It didn't matter how nice he was to her, she was done with his antics. She needed to find the courage to do so before her friends could get involved.

"I missed you" he said reaching for the only item she was carrying but she moved her hand away

"This is my new pet, I'll carry him"

His eyebrows rose up in question
"New pet? What is it?"
Skylar started walking onto the train, Rowan close behind

"A cat" she said words short. The train was loud with excited students and the trolley lady offering treats to those who passed her. Skylar debated on getting food but with Rowan next to her she chose not to. She hasn't even been able to use her new pockets in her robe for snacks yet.

"A cat??" He said in disgust but caught himself before he let it slip on how much he hated cats. He cleared his throat "what's its name?"

"His name is Shadow" she said looking through each compartment hoping to find her friends before Rowan dragged her into a compartment with his. She knew once she found Sirius James and Remus they wouldn't let her leave with him. Her bravery was short lived, if she just ended things immediately she wouldn't be panic searching for her favorite faces.
She passed by Lily who picked her hand up to wave but put it back down immediately when she saw who was trailing behind her.
Lily wasn't going to rescue Skylar, neither was Severus who looked at her with amusement.

"Shadow is..." lame he wanted to say "a good name"

Come on where are they Skylar thought to herself

"Where are you going?" Rowan asked from behind her
Skylar stopped and turned to see he was standing still with his hand on a door. They had passed by his friends already, she hadn't noticed in her search for her own.

She had a choice to make.
Sit with his friends and hate her entire ride or find her own and feel safe.

He stared at her like he knew she had a choice to make as well.
"Skylar" his voice laced with a warning tone "get over here now"

She wasn't aware of it but her body was moving slowly away, inching further down the walkway. She could run down the hallway, he wouldn't run after her. She would find Sirius and he would hold her close and not let Rowan anywhere near them.
She didn't run. She stayed still staring at the male who was impatiently waiting for her.

"Who got you that cat?" He asked, getting closer to her. She could feel his temper brewing.

"My brother" she lied

"Your brother hates cats" he said back

"No he's allergic" she said

"And also hates them. Why would he gift you something he hated?"

"What makes you think you know about what he does and doesn't like??" She said clutching tighter onto Shadow's cage. She could hear a soft hiss coming from her cage, as if her companion was reading her emotions.

"Because he's my step-brother's best friend. He's been to my house loads of times" he said, giving information away that she didn't know existed

"Your step-brother is..."

"Antonin Dolohov" he said, a smirk finding its way onto his lips. With his brother being her brother's best friend, he has to know she's been dating someone this year. Why he didn't letter her about it earlier on, she didn't know.

"Oh" Skylar was lost for words. She didn't know a lot of Antonin's family, she barely knew him other than what little information she got when he would visit her apartment.

"So again, who got you that cat?" A threat lingered on his tongue

"I don't know it was a gift" she said, snapping harder than she meant

He grabbed her arm, light enough to not cause a scene but stern enough to remind her of what he could do.
"Keep your secret, I'll find out one way or another. Now are you going to join me, my sweet Skylar?" She hated the way he talked, like she was beneath him.
In these moments she was.

Skylar didn't fight his hand on her arm. She let him lead her into his compartment and sat there docile while his friends talked about their holiday. She didn't have anything to add, nothing she experienced would be helpful in her situation.
She placed Shadow's carrier in between the wall of the train and her body and closed her eyes for the remaining train ride. She didn't trust letting Shadow out, she was now terrified for more then just her life.

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