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"Anyone there?" Skylar called out, receiving no answer. She looked down at her exposed legs and saw her skin freckled from the growing fear that was engulfing her system.

Shadow stood protectively in front of Skylar, hair raised upwards she had never seen him on such an edge. Reaching down to grab her cat, but never taking her eyes off of the direction of the noises, she took him into her arms and began backing up to create distance in between her and whatever was in the woods.

Skylar's first thought was a giant spider, but she had read enough on the subject to know they aren't quiet hunters. One, they are massive. Two, they have eight limbs and would make more than just a crunching noise. They aren't usually found alone either, pack hunters.

Her next thought was a unicorn, as if she would be lucky enough. Shadow's reaction told her she was indeed not on the right flip of the coin. Racing through her knowledge on creatures had her thinking it was only one option. If she was right, Sirius was going to be so mad at her for being too close to them during the full moon.

Backing up further, Skylar hit the edge of the pond. She could hear her shoes slush against the mud that surrounded the water. Shadow jumped from her hand and stood in front of Skylar again, this time she didn't reach down for the cat. She couldn't take her eyes off of what was now creeping towards them.

"Werewolves won't harm other animals, it's why we can hangout with Remus while he's transformed" the words from Sirius echoed inside Skylar's mind

"Deadly if you're just a human though, they won't know friend from foe" James' words were next.

Skylar stared at the fully transformed werewolf inching closer and closer to her, praying to Merlin Remus would understand it was her. She knew it was unlikely, but as he got closer she felt her options were limiting. Running would be pointless, he could catch up to her in no time. Swimming into the center of the pond was a dumb idea, he was much larger than her and would be standing while she was treading water. She thought about climbing a tree, but she's not athletic enough to hold her own body weight. A problem she wished she worked on before this could have happened. Her lack of strength has caused her turmoil a few times already this year.

"Remus" Skylar said softly "it's me, Skylar"

Shadow walked closer to the werewolf and started swatting at it, to which it paid him no mind. She wasn't worried about her cat, Sirius cleared that fear for her but she was worried he would agitate him enough for an attack on herself.
"Shadow come" she tried but her cat stood its ground, jumping into the air to attack the creature but being too small it did nothing.

Skylar looked up at the cloudless night and saw the moon fully bathing her. She was covered in power for Remus, she knew that if a werewolf stood in the moonlight it enhanced its abilities. So she moved, slowly, around the pond edging herself away from the werewolf who was too curious about the cat to notice her movement. He seemed to like Shadow, even if the cat was doing everything it could to be feared.

A crack of a branch startled Skylar, she had moved her foot onto a weak piece of wood and redirected Remus' attention to her again. His eyes were pure moonlight, with slits in the center where pupils would be. His eyes never left Skylar's body as she moved, almost passed the body of water. His body was covered in scars, and bones protruded out of his ribs and from his spine. Grey in color, nearly hairless, he looked nothing like her best friend Remus did. Skylar was afraid, now knowing the damage that could be done by the teeth he was showing. Though sadness for her dear friend entered her mind too, he doesn't want this life and he's someone who deserves a better version of what he was given.

"It happened when I was a young boy. A powerful werewolf named Fenrir Greyback attacked me seeking revenge against my father who said many things against werewolf colonies in the ministry. It destroyed my family, I'll never be freed from this burden" Remus' words shined into Skylar' own mind. Words he spoke to her the night he tried ending his life in the astronomy tower. The pair stayed up high for hours, until Remus felt safe again.

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