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"Thank you by the way" Skylar said when Remus sat back down. "You got me out"

"You don't have to thank me" Remus said, subconsciously staring at her scarred eye. "It's the least I can do"

She nodded her head, not bringing up his staring. Remus never forgave himself for causing Skylar harm, he felt as though she forgave him to quickly. He swore to always be by her side and help her however he could, feeling as though he owed her some sort of life debt. She could have told on him, forcing Dumbledore to expel Remus. She didn't though, Sirius told him how Skylar's first thought was of how worried she was that Remus would get in trouble for what happened. He felt he was undeserving of her friendship.
"Where do you think they all went?" Skylar asked bringing Remus out of his mind and back to their current situation.

He pondered on the thought for a few quiet moments. If he had to guess, James would have gone to his parent's home. It was Remus' first thought as well going home, but he wouldn't go to his own. He brought them to a cave that he knew was secluded. The last thing he wanted to do was explain what Skylar was going through to his dad who worked for the ministry. Peter would have gone to his own home as well, doubtful he would have gone anywhere else. Sirius might have gone to James' house, thinking that was where everyone else would have gone.
"I bet they're at the Potter's" Remus said

"So let's go there" Skylar said getting off of the ground and collecting Shadow. The longer she was without Sirius the more anxious she felt. Remus was a great partner to be around in this situation, he was smart and quick on his feet. She was just worried about Sirius and his impulsive mind.

"We can't" Remus said confusing Skylar.

"Why can't we??" She demanded

"Did you forget your issue?" He asked curiously. He didn't place nearly as many protection spells on the cave as their cottage had. This was a smaller location to place a barrier around, making it easier to protect.

Skylar looked down at her arm, the snake on her tattoo swirled around viciously. It was barely stinging her, she had forgotten about the issue.
"So what do we do?" She asked slouching back to the ground in defeat.

"I can go back to the cottage and see if the coast is clear. If it is, I can then travel to the Potter's and find whoever is there. Then come back here with whoever I find and we can figure something out" Remus said in a calculated way.

"So I'm supposed to stay here until then?" She asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry, but yes" Remus said dusty offing his pants. "I won't be long". Skylar watched as Remus walked out of the cave and apparated away from the location, leaving Skylar alone with her thoughts.

She had a lot of time to think, Remus not returning immediately like she thought he would. Skylar thought of how her tattoo worked both ways, it connected the Dark Lord to her location if she touched it and if she allowed her mind to follow she would be where he was. It was smart for someone to do this to their followers, if one went rogue and wanted out he could find them by calling their souls to his location. Skylar was going to have to make a mental note to never touch that arm, ever. She couldn't risk involving her friends in the same situation again.

As Shadow played with the cave bugs that crawled around the ground, Skylar found herself getting tired. Her mind wouldn't allow her rest, but her body craved it. She laid her head down on a pile of shredded clothing, and looked towards the entrance of the cave hoping for more company soon. She swore to herself next time they were in this situation, knowing there would be more, she wouldn't leave Sirius' side. This was the second incident that was dangerous and she wasn't close to him. She cared about her friends' safety, it made her unwell to think everyone was scattered, but she felt physical pain not being near Sirius right now.

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