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Friday was spent on the Quidditch field practicing for the next game against Slytherin. Wednesdays and Fridays have become training days, as James felt the need for extra time. Sirius was doing rounds with his fellow chasers, Emma and James, when he noticed Skylar in the stadium looking unwell. They had dinner, she looked and acted fine. Now, sitting in the stands she was clutching over her stomach hiding her body. Sirius flew over to Skylar, missing his last few laps of practice.
"Hey Pads what's up??" James yelled out seeing his best friend exit the field and fly to the stands. He looked to where Sirius' path was and saw what he did too, Skylar acting unusual. James flew over to the benches to figure out what was going on, calling for a rest for the team.

Skylar wasn't sure why she was sick, it came over her suddenly. She hadn't eaten anything odd, dinner was a side of bone broth and a large portion of chicken casserole. She thought it could have been too much cheese, but dairy doesn't usually affect her this greatly. The sensation made her feel so unwell she thought she might have been poisoned.

Skylar heard the sounds of brooms flying towards her, but she couldn't lift her head any higher to see the faces of who came over. She knew without seeing who it would be though, the only two who would notice something being wrong.
"Sky, what's wrong?" Sirius asked as he landed beside her. She heard his feet stomp on the stadium, the noise echoing in her head making it throb. A second set of feet appeared beside her, repeating the same issue.

"I don't know...I don't feel well" Skylar lifted her head slightly, Sirius could see how pale she looked. He was bent down on his knees, hands rubbing her own as he placed his forehead against her head.

"Let's go to Madame Pomfrey" Sirius said, hands moving from her knees to her back as he tried helping her off the stands. Skylar collapsed back to the spot she was sitting, worrying Sirius more. He moved his hand to under her knees and the other behind her back, holding her close to his chest. "I've got you" Sirius said kissing her temple. Why she wasn't feeling well was a concern, she couldn't walk was even more so.

"Keep me updated" James said as the two left the stadium. Sirius with his quidditch uniform still and Skylar wrapped in the blanket that James gifted her a year ago. It was a cold day, but nothing the blanket wouldn't have kept her warm from. Snow barely littered the ground, no rain the entire week either.

"What are your symptoms?" Sirius asked holding her close, he felt her body shaking now.

"I'm re-really cold" Skylar said pushing her body closer to Sirius' chest. Sirius could feel the blanket warming up with her cold temperature, trying to keep her warm. It was magically enchanted to change the heat level with how her body worked. He was worried she would start to over heat in the blanket, her body unable to regulate its proper temperature.

"What else sweetheart?" Sirius tried keeping his tone calm, but seeing his girlfriend this sick made his mind scatter. The list of what could be wrong was too long, it could be any illness. She hasn't been sick in over a year, the last one was a wizard flu.

"My stomach is h-hurting" Skylar said through her chattering teeth. She felt a stabbing pain in the center of her body, as if someone was repeatedly causing her harm. "My head is-is throbbing" Suddenly Skylar used all her energy to shove out of the blanket and away from Sirius. He was caught off guard by her show of strength, almost dropping her as she moved to be away from him. Skylar was on her knees and palms throwing up some sort of red stomach bile. Sirius' first concern was that she was throwing up blood, which seemed to be the case he could see clots coming out from her throat. Sirius grabbed Skylar and started running to the castle, not caring if she got sick on his uniform. Throwing up was one thing, blood was a whole new problem. The only thing he could think of that would cause this problem was poison. Sirius' mind started going through the list of people he sat near, wondering which one dared to bring harm to his girlfriend.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now