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Skylar slouched back in her chair, staring at the gavel lift into the air and sentence her to Azkaban. The next scene happened faster than Skylar could move her eyes, as Sirius James and Remus all surrounded her with their wands out facing off against Aurors in the room. Remus had left momentarily to retrieve their weapons, having scouted where they were kept when he was a visitor walking the building days prior.
Spells shot from every direction, but her group was skilled enough to handle the barrage of attacks. James and Remus continued fighting while Sirius turned his body to face Skylar.
"You're not going back there" he said, hands untangling her chains. "Alohomora" Sirius said, unlocking each piece that held her body down. "I promise you, theyre not taking you back" he said once more. Skylar wondered if he wasn't saying it for her sanity, but his own. Sirius pushed Skylar's head down as a spell went right for her face, the spell did severe damage to the chair burning right through to the other side.

"Don't do this" Skylar said, hands free she grabbed Sirius' face. "You'll be branded right beside me, don't let this be your fate"

"Skylar, I am not leaving this building without you. None of us are, we decided this before the hearing" Sirius pulled Skylar to her feet, James and Remus blocking spells from attacking the couple. "I don't care if I'm branded as an enemy, as long as you're by my side I couldn't give a shit less what they call me"

"ENOUGH OF THIS" The Minister yelled out "Drop your weapons, everyone" he yelled to both sides of the battle, his ten Aurors and Skylar's three.

"Skylar is innocent" Remus yelled out "majority voted and you slimed your way to a win"

"I am the minister, I can do what I please" Minchum said "you three just signed your life away to Azkaban as well, I hope this female was worth it"

"Minister, have you never loved someone?" Dumbledore asked. "These men love that girl, some more than life itself. The willingness to act in this manor should show you how special she is" He had been watching the scene, debating his next move. He knew this would happen, the group had warned him of their idea ahead of time. He wished it didn't have to be what it was, but he understood the problem with letting the Minister get away with doing what he pleased.

"I'm not discussing that with you" Minchum said "arrest the four of them and send their sorry asses to Azkaban, for life" he barked out.

Aurors began closing in on the group, Sirius' hold on Skylar tightened. James grabbed an item from his pocket, Skylar recognized it. A smoke bomb James and Sirius used countless times to provide coverage for their pranks in school, they were going to try to escape with her. On the one hand, she was flattered, on the other she didn't want to see her loved ones suffer like she had been.
"If I come quietly, will you leave them be?" Skylar said, once again proving her selfless nature.

"Shut up Skylar" James said, the severity of the situation was obvious as he didn't use her nickname. "You're not going back" no humor on his cold face.

"There is no need for this" Dumbledore said "you lost on the vote, I would like to see hands of those who agree that Skylar needs to be freed" Dumbledore rose his hand, Sirius James Remus did as well. Skylar looked around for Peter, he disappeared when he saw the group had their wands again. The same wizards rose their hands as before, a few added in their vote.

"I don't see why she shouldn't be free, Dumbledore's three witnesses to your one who tried to discrete her" a male standing said.

"We can't afford to lose wizards or witches willing to fight against Him" said another.

"The three who are protecting her are clearly powerful. They are standing against odds not in their favor, not once did a spell hit them" said a female.

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