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"I'm so happy for them" Skylar said as the two left their best friends. She watched and listened to James ask Lily to be his girlfriend, to which Lily said yes. For years James had been dedicated to her, trying to find another Lily in all the girls he was with. There was never another like her, she was his soul mate and now Lily saw it as much as he did. Skylar sat longer than intended, being sure to take another photo for the couple before parting.

Skylar and Sirius didn't have any real plans for Hogsmeade, they just wanted to spend time together. First stop was the Three Broom Sticks, the best local shop for drinks. The trees were turning in the village, Skylar could see shades of red, orange, brown, along with the scent of fall coming from shops as they passed. Shop owners enchanted their buildings to smell like the seasons, right now it was a mixture of cinnamon, pumpkin, apples. The scents made Skylar content, feeling like it was similar to Gryffindor tower a place where she feels comfort. Winter was closest to her own common room, but even the winter smell's here were better than what she was dealt with.

Sirius opened the door to the pub for Skylar, and together they walked to their favorite booth by the window. Skylar saw Remus in a corner, no Peter, furthest away from where they normally sat together.
"Hey Moo—" Sirius tried getting out but Skylar put her hand over his mouth. For what she thought was a lone Remus, was not. A male was sitting in front of him, one she recognized from Ravenclaw named Blue Bristlecone. The two were laughing loudly, but that wasn't what made Skylar shush Sirius. It was the set of hands on the table, the ones that kept inching closer to Remus' own.

"Is he on a date?" Skylar asked excitedly. She wanted to go talk to Remus and Blue, but Sirius took Skylar's hand and walked to their booth. Sirius wondered the same thing as he stole looks at one of his best friends. Remus didn't oppose dating, he just never went anywhere with his love interest. Male, female, it didn't matter. He also was never in public with his dates, making Sirius and James wonder if the actually existed.
"I'm going to get us drinks, don't do anything I wouldn't do" Sirius said in a knowing way. He kissed Skylar before walking off, trying his best for avoid his friend. He didn't want to make Remus uncomfortable, as he might be with the two of them staring.
At the bar, Sirius ordered a cold and warmed Butterbeer. He thought the bar was packed, which was usual for a Saturday, convenient for him to hide around. Every hookup Remus said he had, Sirius wished would last. He understood why he wouldn't allow anyone in, but living a life without love felt wrong. Sirius thought of how lost he would be without Skylar, how she brought so much joy and life into his soul. His smart beautiful...gone? He thought to himself as he stared at where he left her. He noticed his bag was missing too. Rolling his eyes, he walked to the booth and waited for his nosey girlfriend to return.

Skylar couldn't help herself, with the cloak next to her she had to investigate her friend's date. She knew Blue from studying in the library, he was always kind. Waving to her, helping her find books when she was lost. He was top of his House for grades, Head Boy this year too. His face was pale, dark wavy hair about ear length, pointed jawline. He was shorter than Remus, just barely Peter's height. His smile was genuine, as was his actions. He was handsome, she knew a lot of people talked of his looks but he never seemed interested in other students. She thought he was like Remus and decided that love wasn't worth the time, seeing the two together made sense. Both thinking that a relationship wasn't necessary.

Skylar creeped over to a tall fake tree by Remus' booth and sat quietly as she listened to their conversation. She watched as Blue put his hand on top of Remus', squeezing lightly.
"Will you think about it?" Blue asked Remus.

Remus looked down at the connected hands, then back at Blue who was smiling softly at Remus. Remus always found Blue to be handsome, smart, understanding. All the things he looked for in a partner, but he knew partnership with another human wasn't going to end well.
"I will, but you know what my answer will end up being"

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now