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"Liam, you're joking right?" Antonin said laughing. "You're not actually going to go against me, against all of us??" He motioned to the group of Death Eaters circling the two wizards.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" He questioned, wand facing Antonin with his body blocking his sister. Skylar wanted to run up to her brother and hold him tight, but she wasn't able to. Both death eaters began fighting viciously, spells Skylar had never witnessed were flying between each adult.

When a spell came close to Skylar, Liam blocked it and used defensive ones only. When the moments passed, he went on the attack. She understood how Sirius and James were so beaten up, Liam was on a different level. She wouldn't have been able to go against him.

The front door of the mansion opened, Bellatrix came outside with her sister Narcissa.
"What's the meaning of this??" She yelled out to Liam. "Stun him, kill him, I don't care but end this nonsense before He shows up!!"

Liam said nothing, he just kept blocking and attacking the group of men who were threatening his sister.
Skylar was on the ground with her hands above her head when she saw Lily getting the rest of their friends together. Sirius and Skylar were the only ones not close to them, but she was able to get Remus over to James and Peter. Her entire group was injured, Skylar knew Sirius needed medical attention just as bad. Even though she wanted to see this through, Skylar began walking slowly towards Sirius who was moments from passing out. He crawled his way to her, she moved lightly on her feet to meet him halfway.
The relief she felt when she had her hand on Sirius, her chest was uncoiling from the tension she held onto.
"Are you able to travel?" She asked in a whisper. Skylar looked at Liam, defending her and now Sirius too.

Sirius pushed off of the ground, startling Skylar. He placed his hand on her cheek, looking intensely at her broken nose.
"Did Rowan hurt you?"

"Now's not the time" she said back, leaning into his hand.

"That's where you're wrong" Sirius said, Skylar noticed his inhales were sharp. "Did he hurt you?"

"Yes" she answered knowing he wouldn't stop asking. "But I was doing good before that, I let myself get cocky"

Sirius pushed Skylar's head down as a barrage of spells sent for them. Skylar heard crackling and explosions behind them, spells hitting another target.
When she looked back up, she saw Rowan was back to standing with Quill and Adrian. Both had their wands out, ready to enter the battle again.
"Come out mudblood, I want to play now that you're boyfriend is here" Quill bantered.

James pushed off of the ground, running off of pure adrenaline. Skylar knew he was going to try to kill Quill for harming Lily, even being as injured as he was his only thought was Lily's safety.
James but he didn't get the chance to attack Quill. As soon as he tried, Lily pulled him back down to her. Skylar and Lily made eye contact and communicated to one another in the way Sirius and James had done in the past. She let Lily know it was ok to leave, she was going right behind her. Lily apparated holding James and Remus' hands while Remus held Peter's.
Skylar grabbed Sirius' but before she left, she looked at her brother once more.
"Liam, come with us" she begged, praying he would. It had been years since she wanted her brother's company, she felt like the scared 9 year old who he picked up from America all over again.

"I love you" Liam said to her.

"I love you too" Skylar said, feeling fearful. "please come with me"

"I'm sorry you didn't get to graduate" he said, a spell hit his arm causing a gash to appear. He fell to his knees, Skylar gasped but Liam wasn't down for long. He fixed his posture and went back to defending his sister and her boyfriend. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess" Skylar's lip began to tremble. "I'm sorry I missed holidays with you, I'm sorry you got locked away...it's all my fault"

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