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Waiting for Skylar and James in Dumbledore's office were Sirius, Remus and Lily. Sirius didn't sleep, not even with Remus beside him could sleep find his mind. He knew he would tonight though, he was going to sneak Skylar into his dorm room. His roommates were James Remus and Peter, it's not like they would care or tell. If anything Sirius would have to fight off all his friends wanting to join in his bed, they would want to be near her too. Sirius is a jealous type, but he's never found the emotion causing him turmoil when his friends would do things with Skylar. Except Peter who still got on Sirius' nerves weekly about his infatuation with his girlfriend.

Sirius paced the floor as Remus and Lily sat patiently. They showed the letter that James sent them to her last night. She was visibly upset for Skylar but rolled her eyes smiling at the end of the note. Sirius decided he would wait until things got more involved with Lily and James, then he would get his revenge for all the times James embarrassed him in front of Skylar.  For whatever reason, Lily began to see James in a different light.

"Tea anyone?" Dumbledore asked the group. Remus and Lily joined the headmaster in drinking whatever he had ready, Chamomile by the smell of it, but Sirius still couldn't do anything but dig his path deeper with his pacing.
Lily and Remus sipped their tea, watching Sirius move back and forth. Remus found it amusing how alike Sirius was with his animagus, a dog pacing back and forth while waiting for it's owner to come home. It exhausted Lily watching Sirius so she chose to watch the calm red fireplace instead.

The fire turned from red to a bright green almost immediately when Lily began to watch it, making Sirius jump from his beaten path and run to be in front of the portal. Remus and Lily got out of their seats too, but they gave space for the two missing friends to arrive in.
First was James, who looked at Lily waiting with her cup of tea.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long" he said winking at the red headed girl

Lily didn't answer him, but her cheeks turned flushed. Sirius was definitely going to use this to his advantage soon.
"Where is she" Sirius said to James

James went from hugging Remus hello to looking at his other best friend
"You know, I miss the days when I was the only thing on your mind" James said sighing

Sirius rolled his eyes, but then another body walked through the portal.
Skylar didn't have a moment to process her travel, immediately Sirius ran for her and pulled her off the ground and into his arms. Skylar wrapped her legs around his body and held her head next to his, feeling whole again.

"I'm glad everyone is back and safe" Dumbledore said, drinking his tea

"Did you miss me?" James asked Lily "I missed you. Did you see my note at the end of the letter?"

"What if I did miss you?" Lily said, shocking James. He found himself speechless, not expecting Lily to actually answer him.

Sirius ran his hands through Skylar's soft brown hair, slowly turning red again as he continued to bring her back to being calm. Sirius was Skylar's safe place, no one compared to the feeling she felt when she was with him. Her chest wasn't aching any more, her mind wasn't haunting her for the first time since the trial began.

"Can I hug Skylar now" Lily said impatiently

"No" Sirius said still soaking in the way that she felt in his arms again. Her smell was all wrong, she used the body wash James' mother bought for her which made her smell different. It wasn't a bad smell, just not the pears and roses that invaded his senses when she's around.

Skylar chuckled
"They have the right to see me too you know" she whispered into her ear, causing Sirius' skin to freckle

"But I missed you" Sirius said back, nuzzling his head into her soft neck

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