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"I can't believe he would say that" Lily said as the group left the scene. Severus was just now waking with Adrian, Bartemius made it to his friends before they left, glaring at James with an idea of vengeance.

"That's what he's really like" Skylar said "he's filthy" hand in hand with Sirius, Skylar took her available one and flipped off the beaten up group by the lake. Students began pointing and laughing at Severus, as he came to he realized how much grime he was covered in. Fully embarrassed, he vowed to never forgive the maurader's for their actions. More specifically James and Skylar for stealing Lily from him.

"He was my friend though" Lily said solemnly. James pulled Lily in for a hug, warmly embracing her. She didn't refuse his contact, more like she welcomed his strength.

"Friends stand up for each other. I've never seen Snape stand up for you" James said, trying to hide his smile from the way Lily clutched onto him. James was in love with Lily from the moment he saw her on the train in their first year, Lily was starting to see his unyielding dedication towards her. She found herself laughing at his jokes, enjoying the way he smelt like quidditch, the way he slouched in his seat during classes. He was a good friend to her best friend, he was loyal and brave. James was immature at times, couldn't take anything seriously, but he brought life to Lily.

Sirius looked at Skylar in a knowing way, expressing to her how much he wanted to ruin their moment. Skylar rolled her eyes but smiled back at him.
"Not yet" she whispered into his ear

Skylar went to her common room alone to retrieve her cat and pack her bags. She felt herself reflecting on what happened during her school year, it felt like ages had passed since she first arrived. Cold reality threatened to step into her being, the truth of not going back to her brother's would always exist. Though she had accepted the idea weeks ago, it wasn't made true until now. Skylar would be going to the Potter's first, then she had a choice of Lily's family or moving in with Sirius who mentioned he would be apartment hunting immediately. She couldn't decided if living with Sirius was too early or not, though they'd spent every moment together in school. Skylar could imagine feeling happy and safe living with any of the prior, though part of her wanted to be alone all summer. She didn't want to drag anyone down with her problems anymore, but she knew no one would accept her living that way. James would kick down her door, Lily would send every available owl to peck her to death and Sirius would be standing outside her home until he was let in.
Skylar smiled at the thought of how much they all cared for her, friendships she never would have imagined making. Ones that she couldn't think of parting from.

Once her bags were ready and she was showered, she took Shadow's kennel and her travel bag and walked out of the dorm room she used all year. Shadow hopped around her legs, excited for their day of travel as well it seemed.

The common room was filled with students relaxing before the last dinner at Hogwarts, the group who caused mayhem outside with Skylar's friends were sulking in a corner together. Severus looked at Skylar with distaste, but she flipped him off and continued on her way to see Regulus.

Regulus was sitting by the green fire, reading from the daily prophet newspaper. Skylar hadn't bothered with the news, getting all her information from Dumbledore this year. She admitted she was still interested in what was being said so she sat close to his side and peered over the paper.

"Oh" Skylar smiled softly. Regular was doing the crossword side of the paper.

"What is one of Jupiter's moons, starting with a C and eight letters long?" Regulus asked looking beside himself at the red headed genius

"Callisto" Skylar answered "give me a harder one"

"Translate the word ehwaz" Regulus asked leaning more into the couch

"Partnership, is there enough room for that?" She asked

"It's the longest box, so it seems to be correct" Regulus scribbled the word into his paper, smiling now that the words were all complete "good work, you're really brilliant"

"They gave away easy questions" Skylar said smirking

"Take the compliment would you" Regulus smiled throwing the paper onto the coffee table "what's the plan for the summer?"

"I'm not sure exactly what yet, I'm just taking it day by day" she replied holding Regulus' arm in her own as she laid on his shoulder "yours?"

"My mother will be having a get together immediately when I arrive, as usual. Then hopefully staying in my own lane for the rest of the time I'm there" he said leaning his head on her own.

"Why not leave, like Sirius did?" She asked

Regulus took a deep breath
"I'm not like him that's why. One day maybe"

Skylar didn't further bother him on leaving, she knew it was personal and there would be nothing she could do to convince him otherwise. She just hoped he got out before it was too late for him.

Dinner was as extravagant as usual for the end of the year. Skylar was sitting with Regulus, while Sirius was with their friends. The end of the year and beginning of the year ceremonies were meant for the houses to be as one not separated, so students were told to sit with their houses only. Skylar looked up at the ceiling, magically mimicking the night sky, and saw constellations winking brightly at her. The windows were open in the Great Hall, letting in the warm breeze she's become familiar with all week. Smells of roasted chicken, pot pies, dumplings, steamed vegetables, pastries all invaded the student's senses. Skylar could hear whispering beside her, some about her scar others about how the school year was. Regulus passed Skylar a plate of dumplings, distracting her from the noise around them. She kindly thanked him and began eating her favorite meal, all while Sirius kept his eyes on her. Beside Sirius, James was gushing over Lily choosing to sit beside him. Remus was talking to Peter about their last defense class, everyone at table Gryffindor was excited for the year to end. Sirius was eating roasted pork with mashed potatoes, waiting for the dinner to cease so he could be near Skylar again. He made himself a promise that he would find an apartment fit for the two of them. Even if she didn't want to live with him immediately he was going to be sure she liked the space. Sirius wanted a safe place for Skylar to be, she had a few options to live in but he hoped that she would chose to be by his side.

The Headmaster got out of his chair slowly, as he did the sounds from all four tables ceased. He walked to the podium, then waved all of the food away, ending the last meal of the year. Skylar had a dumpling mid bite as the magic in the air whooshed it away.
"Fuck" she said out loud, louder than she intended being that now the room was silent.

Sirius and his group laughed loudly, the headmaster chuckled too. Severus rolled his eyes, finding his hatred for Skylar growing more each day.
"What a year we all endured together" Dumbledore started with "friendships were made, grades were improved, the list of banned items also seemed to increase this year" he said looking at James and Sirius who laughed once more "a congratulations to House Ravenclaw on their winning of the House Cup, the most points kept for good grades and discipline" Ravenclaw's table clapped loudly for themselves "and for the quidditch cup, congratulations to House Hufflepuff, what a year you all played" Hufflepuff loudly stomped on the ground, cheers could be heard down the entire table. "we say goodbye to those in their Seventh year, graduation for them will be next week for those who want to celebrate with us" Skylar looked at the head of her house who was looking smug as ever. She knew where he was planning on going after school, it was where a lot of Slytherin's planned to go. All they could talk about were letters from their parents encouraging certain behavior. "There is a war coming" the room silenced itself once more "there is no denying that. I hope that when the time comes, those who wish to fight do it for the right reasons" Dumbledore's stare landed on Skylar "keep your friendships close, help one another, be kind, have a safe summer I wish you all the best"

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