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Rowan shoved Skylar as the group walked further towards the mansion. Both her and Lily were being roughly handled, but Remus had it worse. Skylar wanted to help him walk, but her hands were tied behind her back.
When the three of them were inside the wedding shop, Lily had noticed a group blocking the entrance. She whispered to Skylar her observation, Remus had seen the same thing and was in front of the girls getting ready to protect them. Skylar quickly spoke into her wand, recognizing some of the death eaters as ones who attacked their cottage before. She sent her warning to Sirius, then the entire building exploded. Remus covered both Skylar and Lily, taking the brunt of the attack. He was knocked unconscious as both girls laid unharmed. Rowan pulled Skylar to his body, smirking as he mocked her wedding dress shopping, then boasted about finally catching up to her.

Skylar looked at Lily who Quill was shoving forward, he was aggressively moving her body around agitating Skylar.
"Have you no respect for females" Skylar snapped out.

"Not for mudbloods" Quill said shoving Lily to the ground. She scraped her face on the concrete walkway.

Skylar moved to help her friend but Rowan grabbed her and shoved her into the ground too.
"I don't want to scrap your pretty face up too much, but I will if you don't start remembering your place. You used to be so compliant" Rowan said using his foot to shove Skylar's face further into the ground.

"Fuck you" Skylar got out. She looked at Remus who was being dragged by Adrian, he was the most injured. He had a gash in his side from the explosion, then they made Skylar and Lily watch as Rowan and Adrian beat into Remus while he was unconscious.

"We'll get to that, be patient" Rowan said picking Skylar up from the ground and throwing her forward again. She caught her feet, just barely moving before she tripped.

Skylar saw Barty at the gate as usual, this time he wasn't staring at her with lust the way he did to Tessa. He was glaring at her as Rowan moved the group towards the gate. She heard Barty spit at the ground as she walked through, wishing she could grab his face and shove him into the pile of saliva he littered the ground with.
"Why are we here" Lily asked, Skylar saw her face was bloodied. Skylar knew she was going to suffer the most here, being a public muggle born witch.

"All mudbloods come here to die" Quill said pulling Lily by her hair to walk forward.

"You're the one who's dead" Skylar laughed out. "Just wait until Sirius and James show up"

"Oh they'll be here soon I'm sure, your brother went to retrieve them. I'm saving her torture for when James is watching" Quill said back, a smirk that didn't reach his eyes Skylar thought he looked mentally ill.

Skylar turned around, facing Rowan she shoved her body into him knocking him over long enough for her to race at Quill. Skylar brought her head back, then forward smashing her forehead into his nose. Quill stepped back, holding his face instead of Lily.
"Fucking bitch" Quill said.

Adrian put Remus down and moved at Skylar. He grabbed her by her hair and threw her across the walkway, body slamming into the front door. She smashed her head against the wooden piece, but she refocused herself getting ready to fight.
"Come at me" Skylar spit out. Her hands were tied, but she would be damned if she was going to go in there without putting up a fight.

Lily did the same thing, moving to attack the men dragging them along. If Skylar was going to go down, she would go with her.
"Can't do much without your wands" Rowan said twisting the three pieces in his hands. Their weapons were confiscated immediately, Skylar tried hiding hers in her shirt but Rowan wasn't timid when it came to searching her. She still felt his hands burning into her skin from where he touched her.

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