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Sirius wanted to comfort his girlfriend, Skylar was sitting on the step with a look of sadness painted across her face. Moments ago, she was laced with adoration. He wanted to go back to that feeling, but he had a job to do. James passed Sirius the parchment, letting him read it first was important. Skylar sat anxiously on the steps while she let the two guys read what was sent to her. Remus was behind Skylar as Lily sat on the same step, holding her hand in Skylar's. Peter was behind Remus, wishing he was where Lily was. Peter never would have crossed Skylar, he would have let the note die in the trash. He thought his two friends were slimy for disobeying Skylar's wish.


Happy 17th birthday. It's not your birthday today, I'm aware. I've debated writing this for days. I shouldn't be writing to you, this will only hurt both of us. I can't help it though, months without contacting you is hard but not wishing my little sister a happy birthday is worse. Don't write back, honestly burn this letter don't keep it. I love you, stay safe.


Sirius felt terrible. He passed the letter to James who bore the same look. Neither of them read it out loud, confirming to Skylar who she thought wrote to her. Sirius could hear soft whimpering coming from behind him, when he looked he saw Skylar was sniffling while wiping her wet eyes. Her shoulders were shuddering, soft congested sounds came from her. Sirius walked from the kitchen and sat in front of his girlfriend, he held his hands on her knees as she continued to let out broken sounds.
"Sky" Sirius said softly

"I knew it" Skylar said in between hiccups "I-I knew it was from him. There was no threat to my life, just adding to my broken heart"

Sirius felt worse reading the letter than he did not knowing what it said. Liam was a sensitive subject to Skylar, never bringing him up in worry of her falling into a depression from it. Nightmares plagued her mind, Sirius knew they would begin again now that he was brought up once more. Sirius continued to rub her knees as she went through the wave of emotions coursing through her veins.

Sirius got up from the ground moments later and picked Skylar up from the steps and brought her to the couch where he could comfort her better. Skylar knew it wasn't Sirius' fault for her tears, he was protecting her, but she could have kept on with her good day if she had gotten her way with the letter. Even Liam knew it was best for it to be destroyed.
"Burn it" Skylar said through her sobs.

James was in the kitchen with the letter on the countertop still.
"Incendio" he said towards the letter, the smell of burning parchment hit Skylar's senses. No one said anything further about what was written.

As time went on throughout the day, their friends slowly left the cottage. Sirius made lunch that Skylar didn't eat, currently he was making dinner in hopes that she would eat this time. James was still hanging around, the rest of the group had left already. Lily left just moments ago, she had promised her parents she wouldn't be out passed dark. Skylar sat on her spot by the open window and watched as muggles walked by, their window was fully tinted no one could see inside their home. It was a charm that Sirius placed on the home to help protect it better. Skylar could smell dinner, Sirius had spent all afternoon making dumplings to eat tonight, a special meal to bring Skylar back from her darkness. She liked when there was a spicy sauce to dip her pieces into, Sirius had gone above and beyond to make sure it would be something she couldn't avoid.

James left the kitchen to sit with Skylar but something caught his ears from upstairs. Sirius was busy making dinner and Skylar was disconnecting by the window, neither heard the noise that James did. He went upstairs to investigate it further.

While the pan was heating up, Sirius walked over to Skylar and kissed the top of her head softly.
"I'm sorry"

Skylar didn't say anything, she just kept looking outside of their window.

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