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An itch that couldn't be scratched, a feeling of unease, Skylar had been walking around for months with these negative emotions clouding her mind. When she tried to remember what happened in the summer, what happened when she was left alone that time in school, nothing came with those thoughts. She could remember what happened before, what happened after, nothing in between.
Her memories hit her like a soft breeze, until both found their way into the spots they belonged, then it felt like someone had slapped her. The memories painfully stitched themselves back into her mind, if felt like someone was sowing in missing thoughts. Skylar placed her finger on her lips, she could almost feel the way Peter's felt on her own. How desperate his mouth found hers, not the first time when it was awkward and timid. The second time, she realized he knew what he could get away with. His hands on her body, never going further than touching her but she felt violated regardless.
Skylar looked at Peter, he knew she was back to her full awareness. She watched as his throat pushed down his nerves, he was anxiously awaiting what was coming next.

Sirius missed nothing, noticing the shift in the room. He looked up to Skylar, her eyes were bright red. A red he hadn't seen before, she's been mad but this was a dangerous level.
"Skylar what's wrong?" Sirius asked getting off the floor and working towards his girlfriend. James pushed off Peter and noticed the same thing, Skylar was pissed.

Skylar looked from Peter who was showing signs of anxiety to Sirius who was now sitting in front of her, hands on her knees. She knew if she told Sirius what was discovered, Peter wouldn't be safe ever again.
"I was thinking of my brother is all" Skylar answered. She could tell how much relief Peter felt in that moment, but she wasn't done with what happened. Skylar didn't want to bring it up with her adoptive parents in the room, or with Sirius even. She knew he would harm Peter, something he deserved but she she knew kind of effect it would cause in the group. Peter would be exiled, if not murdered by Sirius. Peter knew too much, her only concern was Remus. Even though her secret wasn't safe either, she just didn't care how it affected her.

"I've never seen your eyes that shade" Sirius said, concern filling his voice. For Skylar to be that upset, whatever was going on was deeper than she let on.

"I'm just mad about the situation he's in" Skylar said pulling Sirius into her body. She didn't take her eyes off of Peter, warning him of her acknowledgment. Skylar needed to find a moment to speak with someone more clear headed than Sirius or James. Her best option was Remus, as she moved her eyes to him next. Lily would act the same as the two guys, demanding retribution. Remus would help her figure out what to do, she trusted his opinion. It's as if Remus knew her need of his advice, his eyes locked on her own in a knowing way. He nodded his head, his own acknowledgement of what she needed.

"I'm sorry" Sirius said with sincerity. "I wish things were different"

"Me too" Skylar said resting her head on Sirius' shoulder as they embraced. The room quieted down after Skylar's interruption, the group beginning to unwind after the day filled with gift exchanging and excitement. Sirius had Skylar on his lap, hand on her hip as he drew circles with his finger. Lily was laying with James, sleep finding her mind. Yawns persisted from each in the group until James and Lily found sleep. Fleamont and his wife left to go to their rooms already, winding down earlier than the younger adults. Sirius, Remus, Peter and Skylar were all still awake, none seeming to want sleep. Sirius was convinced Skylar was hiding something, he didn't believe she was just upset about her brother. Her mood was never anger when she found herself faced with thoughts of him, just sadness. Remus was waiting for an opportunity to talk to Skylar alone, unknown to the rest so was Peter. Skylar didn't expose him, for what reason he wasn't sure, he had to speak with her before she changed her mind on staying silent.

"Team no sleep am I right?" Peter said, awkwardly laughing.

"Something like that" Remus added back. He noticed the entire interaction with Skylar and Peter. Being on the ground after James attacked him, he had the perfect view of the intense eye contact the two shared. Skylar looking at him for help solidified his concern for her.

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