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Skylar and Sirius slept the entire train ride, which was unlike Sirius who would typically take the time to cause chaos with his best friend. Speaking of, James slept on and off as well, it was possible all three would end up awake the entire night because of it. Skylar knew it would take time for her mind to adjust to sleeping normally again, at least at school she didn't fear being taken away. The problem with being at school again was her chances of sleeping with Sirius lessened. One more year was a saying for both of them when the other was down about their forced separation. One more year and they wouldn't have to leave each other's side again.

During the welcoming ceremony, Skylar would normally sit beside Regulus but he had no open seat beside him. Done on purpose, she had to find a new spot to sit. Jackson waved Skylar over, smiling brightly as he did. She debated finding somewhere, anywhere, else to sit but she began walking towards her classmate. She knew Sirius watched her every move, from when she walked by his brother to when she chose to sit by another male. Blood boiling, he did his best to stay calm but it was hard when his stressed mind felt the urge to release on someone.
Jackson moved over, more room than Skylar needed, and pulled her in for a side hug when she sat down. Skylar peeled away as quickly as she could, immediately regretting her choice to sit beside the keeper.
"I'm glad you decided to come over" Jackson said, still smiling. Skylar couldn't get a read on him, if he was trying to hit on her he was doing it in a too friendly way. "You took off on me at the ministry, I wasn't sure if you were ok"

"I found Sirius and together we made it out" Skylar said playing with her hands on her lap. The first and last meal at Hogwarts were meant to celebrate the separate houses, everyone had to sit with their own. Skylar couldn't help but feel jealousy over how her friends were all sitting together and she was the only one secluded.

"Good, I was worried. I meant what I said earlier, I really like your style" Jackson said "not a lot of girls can pull off casual looks like you"

"Are you flirting with me?" Skylar asked almost in a demand, surprising Jackson who started to belly laugh.

"Absolutely not" he said flatly. Slightly offending Skylar, not the act of him not flirting but how direct he said it. "Conceited much?" He asked her.

Skylar huffed out loud.
"Not even, just setting a boundary is all"

"I'm fully aware of where I stand" Jackson looked over at the Gryffindor table to where Sirius was glaring. "You're scary boyfriend won't stop looking this way" Skylar was surprised that Sirius was holding himself down so well, that was until she saw Remus was the one tucking him back into his seat. Her scary boyfriend had little to no patience, especially when someone was testing it with his girlfriend.

"So what game are you playing at?" She asked. "In the last 6 years, we've had almost no conversations. Then last year you stated how you were on my side against Rowan, which was a major deal since he was your team mate. Do you want something from me? Is that it?"

Jackson looked from Skylar to her friends all watching him at Gryffindor's table. "How did you find your way into that friend group?"

"I didn't really, they sort of adopted me" True in both senses. She was adopted by James' parents, but she felt like she got picked out of a crowd to bother and they hadn't given up on her being their friend since then. A lonely soul being dragged into their lively group.

"Interesting" Jackson said. Dumbledore finished the sorting portion of the dinner, he introduced himself with his fellow Professors, then finally brought food to the table. Skylar reached over for the dumplings that she always ate first, but they were too far for her arms to grab. Jackson noticed her stretching and offered his long limbs to grab it for her. Skylar thanked Jackson, and then continued to eat her meal. She couldn't help the way her feet danced when the first dumpling entered her mouth, making noises of enjoyment, forgetting she wasn't sitting in the comfort of her own group.
"Big fan of dumplings?" Jackson asked bringing her attention back.

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