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Madam Rosmerta, the Three Boomsticks' bartender was currently serving a table with what looked like Ministry workers. Skylar recognized their badges, unable to read from a far distance.

"Which department is handling the cases?" Madame Rosmerta asked while dropping off appetizers

The men looked around and then whispered to her ear. She looked intrigued by the information. Skylar wished she was closer so she could hear more details.

"So the muggles are dying because of—"she went to say but one male shushed her

"Do we have a spot we can sit at alone?" He asked "it's important you know so you can keep an eye for us but no one else can hear"

She nodded her head and began walking upstairs with the three well dressed men. Rowan wasn't back, still waiting for their drinks, so Skylar started to follow the group. She went to walk up the stairs but stepped onto something invisible on the second set of steps.

"Ouch my foot" the voice of James said

Skylar looked around for his body but couldn't see him
"Am I going crazy" she whispered to herself

"Yes" he said back

She jumped, almost falling down the steps

She felt hands grab her and pull her under a cloak. James was hiding underneath it
"Shh we will get caught"

"What is this?" She asked touching the barrier of the material that was hiding them

"An invisibility cloak, it's been passed down from my family to me" he whispered back as they continued up the stairs

"This is so rad"

"Yeah it's wicked...you want to know about these murders too?"
Step by step they slowly walked up careful to not bump into anything that would expose them

"Yeah, it worries me what's going on"

"Me too" he said

The pair made it up the stairs and saw the three men going through a door on the far end of the hallway. James stopped moving, debating on how to get inside without being seen. Skylar saw the first guy go through, then the second guy. By the third guy she had a choice to make. She grabbed James' hand and pulled him with her, as the last male was entering the room the two of them followed closely behind and got inside without detection.

James low-fived Skylar and then stood together in the furthest corner of the room. She stood in front of him, he was standing at her back. He rested his head on her own, both intensely listening to the conversation.

"5 muggles this week have been murdered by the same group" the shortest of the men said, he started smoking through a pipe

"3 muggle-borns murdered too. Found the lot of them outside of Diagon Alley" the chubbiest of the men said. He was sipping tea from a cup Madam Rosmerta offered him

"How can someone murder another without there being witnesses?" She asked pouring herself tea. She was the same age as Liam, she knew they went to school together.

"Coverups, there are other people who are involved in this. Some work for the ministry" the taller man said

"For the ministry?!" Rosmerta said shocked
Skylar and James shared a look of shock as well.

"Certain departments have been called into question for possible alignments with this group. It all comes back to pure blood supremacy. Half-Bloods aren't safe either, join their side or pay consequences" the one male who hasn't spoken yet said. He was stalky, someone with years of hard experience.

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