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"Miss.Miller!! Miss.Miller!!" The voice of a feminine elf rang in Skylar's ear. "Wake up Miss.Miller!!" The elf said once more, this time shoving Skylar's body back and forth until the spell worth off and she was conscious once more.

"Wilda?" Skylar said coughing up blood that leaked into her throat. She placed her hand on her nose and recoiled from its pain. "What happened" she said squinting her eyes trying to remember who attacked her.

"Oh Miss.Miller!!" Wilda the elf said, hugging Skylar as she moved to a sitting position. The elf wiped her snotty nose on her uniform and pushed back her tears. "Wilda found Miss.Miller unconscious she did. Wilda saw her friend was hurt and and and—" the elf was panicking but Skylar placed her hand her back as she hugged her tightly back.

"It's ok, im ok. I don't know what happened but I'm alright" Skylar looked down at her coat and saw it covered in blood. She knew broken noses bled a lot, looking worse than what it really was she wasnt surprised the elf thought the worst of her.

"Wilda can fix your nose" The elf suggested. Skylar knew elf magic was powerful, needing no wand to perform spells. Another reason they shouldn't be enslaved, they could over throw wizards if they wanted to but they chose to live the life they do.

"Go ahead, give it your best" Skylar said smiling patiently at the elf as she backed up a little to cast a spell. Within a moment Skylar felt her nose snap back into place, bleeding once more.

The elf squeaked loudly. She began pacing back and forth, mumbling to herself.
"Wilda didn't fix her nose, Wilda made her friend bleed more. Wilda is not meant to be a healer"

"No no, it's fixed. Broken noses do this when they're fixed I promise" Skylar said using the sleeve of her coat to cover her face. "You want to be a healer?"

The elf blushed slightly, elves didn't have dreams beyond their employment typically. Wilda was different, it's why Skylar got along with her in her first year.
"Wilda would like to be"

"I wonder if you talk to Dumbledore if he'll do something for you" Skylar suggested.

Wilda gasped, covering her face with her hands.
"No no no no no no Wilda can't" she said pacing even worse than before. "Wilda does not want the Headmaster to think she is unhappy with her job. Wilda is a baker, Wilda will stay a baker"

Skylar made a mental note to speak with the headmaster next time she saw him, but for now she couldn't force the elf to talk to him. Prideful creatures, Wilda wouldn't dare make it known that she was unhappy with her employment.
"Thank you for helping me" Skylar got off the ground and stretched out her limbs. Looking around the hall, she didn't see Jackson's unconscious body. If he woke before she did, Wilda wouldn't have been the one waking her. He would have taken full advantage of her unconsciousness and brought more pain to her. Wilda finding her means he wasn't here with her anymore.
"Did you see another student with me?"

"Wilda did not, Wilda only saw her friend lying on the ground" the elf said. "Wilda shouldn't be here still, Wilda has to get baking"

"I understand, again thank you for what you did for me" Skylar said waving her small companion away. When Wilda apparated from the scene, Skylar looked around for a clock to see the hour. After walking for a few minutes she was able to find one of the very large clocks that hang from the ceiling nearest the stairs. The clock read 3:42AM, meaning Skylar was unconscious for almost 5 hours. Only a powerful stunning spell would make someone unconsciousness for that length of time, Skylar knew Jackson wasn't capable of that sort of magic. She also knew she had hit him directly with her own, she had his wand that she no longer was in possession of. He brought someone with him when he was out walking around, probably not with the intention to run into Skylar but whoever it was didn't like her either and took advantage of her back being turned.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon