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"I'm not, let me tell him" Sirius said feeling his adrenaline pumping
James nodded his head in agreement. She knew they would too, if she asked them to take care of her concerns.

"You weren't afraid of him last time?" Remus mentioned

"Yeah well I am now" Skylar said feeling uncomfortable under their gazes "I don't want to get you all involved, it's my issue to deal with"

"I understand" Remus said "but" he eyed his two best friends "I can tell you from personal experience that telling these two that same thing won't work"

"You guys don't get it" she said slumping down onto the ground. Her back was fully laying down, she was staring up at James' gold flecked ceiling. His ceiling fan was going at a maximum speed, she noticed sleeping beside them they both needed fans on their faces and above their bodies. She would have been frozen if it wasn't for their body heat warming her like a furnace.

"What don't we get?" Remus asked
Sirius laid beside Skylar, James and Remus followed suit until they were all laying on one another in a big human pile of mush.

"He controls how people will react around her" James said, freeing Skylar of the burden of explaining things "He told me that when we played against his team. I would have mentioned it but I thought he was just trying to fire me up about her. I didn't realize you had things that hard Skylar"

Skylar choked back the itchy feeling her throat got before tears fell from her face
"Slytherin's house is a nightmare to be in if you aren't full blooded and cruel. Severus is half blooded but no one messes with him because he's one of them whatever that means. Rowan pretty much threatened to make my life hell again if I broke things off. He reminded me of my place"

"Your place??" Sirius said furious "what is that by his side and docile?? Fuck that shit Goose you don't belong to him. You aren't someone's possession"

"Yeah what he said fuck that shit" James agreed "you need to take him by the balls and tell him off. Stand against him"

"Easy for you to say, you're physically stronger than him. I'm not he already—" she caught herself before she said too much. If they were anything like her brother, hearing someone was physical with her would cause mayhem.

Sirius pushed off the ground and stared straight at Skylar. She saw swirls of silver dance to a song of anger.
"Already what" he said, deadly calm

"The point is I can't just break things off" she said feeling frustrated staring right back at him. The other two were still laying down, leaving just Sirius and Skylar to stare into each other's soul.

"Already what" James said, repeating what Sirius said. James and Sirius were chaotic in their actions, the leashes that held their temperament in were flimsy.

"Already proved he's stronger than me" Skylar's voice trembled "He-He grabbed my hair and shoved me into the cement wall while threatening to make my life hell again" Her chest moved up and down quickly "he told me that I'm a filthy half blood and I don't belong in my Hogwarts house. He didn't say anything wrong, its all true"

James and Sirius were known as two who found laughter in every situation. Jokesters, not to be taken serious. The two of them found ways to make light of every situation. In this moment, Skylar was afraid of the energy they were producing. She could physically feel the room heating up.
If they weren't counties away from Rowan he would be dealing with their revenge. Sirius was trembling with anger while James was the deadly calm version of vengeance.
"He's dead" Sirius said

"Oh I can't wait till we see him" James said "he's going to regret the day he met you Skylar"

"No don't do anything" she practically begged "this is why I didn't want to say anything"

"No one is allowed to harm you. No one" Sirius said. Even if it wasn't for his threat to her existence, just him touching her hair was enough to give him a reason to hurt him. She didn't allow anyone up until recent to touch her hair and now Sirius knew why. She was allowing touch from people she knew wouldn't harm her. She wanted to rewrite how she reacted to physical touch.

"This is what you TWO" she said glaring at the two guys who were pumping each other up "don't get. I'm not in Gryffindor"

"And??" James said

"AND" she said "you can't protect me when I'm alone in my common room"

"So we just make sure he knows not to mess with you. Simple" Sirius said

"It's not simple. You two have no idea how hard every year has been for me. This is the first year where I haven't felt like I needed to keep my guard up. Professor Slughorn has seen me at my worst, I used to show up to his office in hysterics because of how badly I was treated. I'm right back to where I started if I break up with him"

"So you're damned if you do damned if you don't" Remus said feeling her pain

"I might as well keep being unhappy and stay with Rowan. At least I'm not being sent to Madame Pomfrey every night" she said feeling defeated "I might as well keep doing double homework and getting hit with bludgers at practices and—"

"Wait wait" Sirius said "bludgers?? He's throwing them at you??" Every time Skylar shared something it seemed to get worse. Sirius was piecing together why every past relationship he's seen Rowan in ended with the girl in an emotionally ruined state.

"No Adrian is. He doesn't like when I watch their practice"

"And he's making you do his homework?" Remus said, getting agitated now. Rowan Skylar Lily and himself were top of all their classes but Rowan was new to that category. Remus was furious now, knowing Skylar was the only reason for Rowan's success.

"In the beginning he passed it to me and expected help, since then I've been doing both of our work"

The four friends sat in silence. The maraurder's weren't expecting to hear so much pain come from Skylar's truth. Sirius wanted her to end things so he can finally ask her out but she can't if she's terrified of him. It was bigger than him wanting to be with her now, she was in danger. Something that he wanted to protect her from but knowingly can't when she's in her common room.
"I can ask Regulus to keep an eye on you still?" Sirius suggested "he likes you and won't leave you to be alone if I ask him to stay by your side"

"You asked him to keep a watch on me before?" Skylar asked curiously

Sirius ran his hands through his hair
"Yeah...I wanted someone on your side and I knew you two were friendly"
Skylar knew that the two brothers had a strained relationship since Sirius was kicked out of their family. Asking him to help her would have taken a lot out of his pride but it was more than just that. He was admitting how useless he felt against Rowan when she was in her common room.

"He's my only friend in there now" she said smiling even after all she told the group she was going through. She still could smile.

"Yeah well Regulus isn't a fighter" James said "if Jackburn starts going after her is he really going to stand up?"

"Regulus won't fight you're right but he won't back down from helping Skylar. I've seen him stand with his friends when they were getting attacked, he never left. He took on all the hexes that were sent to his friends just the same. If you don't have someone who can fight back at least you have someone who can stand with you" Sirius said "if you were in house Gryffindor you wouldn't have an issue finding someone to fight for you. House of the brave and all" he said smirking

"Well if she was in our house, she would have us and we wouldn't need an outside source for help" James reminded Sirius

"I need to learn how to stand on my own" Skylar said "I've always held my head high and figured things out alone. Let me handle this please, don't involve Regulus or yourselves"

"But" James said but Remus gave him a look and he silenced himself. The conversation wasn't over, they were going to still support her but she was right. If she doesn't handle this on her own, nothing they could do would help.

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