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Entering Hogwarts felt the same every year for Skylar. The castle in the distance, the steam rolling off of the black lake, the line of unfamiliar first years huddling together as Hagrid the ground's keeper directed the group, it was all home.
Skylar waited for Adrian and Quill to leave the compartment before she exited, not trusting them to walk behind her. Rowan waited for them to leave as well, when it was just the two of us he turned to look at her
"Your hair color is horrible"

Skylar was taken back by his rude comment
"I can change it, what color would look better?"
She didn't realize she was looking for his approval, but at some point she changed from not caring to caring if he thought she was pretty

"I don't know" he said, agitated that she asked a stupid question "blonde I guess"

Skylar changed her hair to blonde, intriguing Rowan. It was the first emotion she noticed he made
"Yeah blonde is better" he smirked at her

Skylar caught herself smiling and touching her long blonde hair. She's never had any color other than red on purpose. Her hair goes from dark when she's upset to bright red when she's angry, sometimes pink when she's happy but Blonde has never appeared for her.

Rowan didn't wait for her before he started exiting the door, Skylar followed after him trying to stay close to his side.
She wasn't sure why she cared to do so, he had a grip on her without even trying. He didn't care, literally, for some reason that made her all the more interested in him.

She trailed behind him, doing her best to keep speed with his long legs. She passed by Lily, being sure to not make eye contact with her and Severus. She passed by Marlene who looked shocked to see Skylar beside Rowan, out of jealous or pity the emotion wasn't clear.
Rowan let Skylar walk beside him, slowing down slightly. Everything he did was a mental game. He walked faster than her in the beginning to make a show on how she followed him, now he was standing beside her to give off the image of him claiming her.
It didn't take more than a train ride for Rowan to claw into Skylar's mind. She was his pawn and he was going to play the game to his advantage.

Skylar and Rowan waited for the carriages that were pulled by Thestrals, a breed of winged horses with skeleton bodies. Their wings were leathery, their face was almost reptilian. Horses that were only seen when one saw death. Skylar saw her parents die years ago, she's been able to see the creatures since her second year when her age group began taking this route inside the castle.
The first time she witnessed the creature, she was in awe. She tried explaining to some Ravenclaw beside her that she could see the horse, but he looked at her as if she was mad.
That was the last time she acknowledged them, unless she was walking the forbidden forest and happen to run across them. She wasn't there often, Lily didn't let her go inside the forest. When Hagrid was around and needed company Skylar joined him on a stroll through the haunted woods. It was usually a few times throughout the months.

Rowan climbed into the carriage first, taking the seat on the far end. Skylar went to go in next but Adrian pushed passed her, then Quill. They were making a mockery of her but she didn't let them see their actions phase her. She got onto the carriage and sat beside Rowan who put his arm around her shoulder as the Thestral took off.
He pulled her in tightly to his side, but didn't acknowledge her in any other way. His friends paid her no mind either, which she preferred seeing that she despised them.

When the carriage arrived she got off of the ride first and started heading into the castle without him. She wanted to play his game back, not caring if he was following her.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her into his side
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked

"Inside?" Skylar said back

"Not without me you aren't" he said, his act of claiming her should have annoyed her. It would have if any other guy did it. But he was so confident in his action that she couldn't find reasons to be anything but neutral.

Together they walked inside, she stayed a few steps behind him something she noticed he preferred.
Lily tried grabbing her hand but Rowan moved Skylar at the last minute, he didn't want her being near anyone else.

Skylar heard explosions behind her body, when she looked for the noise she saw Sirius and James hiding while Bartemius shrieked covered in what she knew was Bulbadox powder. She saw his skin begin to break out in what she heard was painful blisters and boils. Everyone backed away from him, afraid to touch the powder and be caused mayhem as well
"Who did this?!" Bartemius yelled

She knew they wouldn't show their faces, not this early. They wanted to eat dinner and would have to skip it if Professor McGonagall caught them. Their head of house was strike in comparison to her own.
Rowan pulled Skylar's arm, tugging her away from the mess that was created behind them.

James looked for Skylar in the crowd but couldn't find her. Sirius knew where she was right away. It was as if his soul was tracing where its counterpart was. She was beside Rowan being dragged away from the crowd, seeing his hand on her arm brought fire throughout his body.
"I don't think I can wait" Sirius said

James saw where his friend's eyes wondered
"Moony would think otherwise. We got one we need to get the other"

"If we wait any longer on Rowan, Skylar is going to be in too deep"

James shrugged his shoulder
"Let's hope she's as smart as her grades make her out to be"

Inside the great hall, the four tables lined up awaiting their houses to gather and sit around.
Slytherin's was always beside Gryffindor, the two houses who hated each other the most it seemed unjust to keep them so close. Skylar saw Rowan sit and make enough room for her to sit as well, the nicest thing he's done the entire time they've been off the train. When she sat down she realized she had the perfect view of Gryffindor's table, where she could see four guys staring straight at her.
Sirius and James looked from her to Rowan who paid them no mind, Remus looked at Skylar with a face of worry. She didn't need them to be concerned over her well-being. She could handle herself fine. She wasn't going to fall for Rowan's mind games, she lied to herself.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora