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July 30th 1981

Skylar was sitting on a large red couch in the middle of The Potter's residence, hand on her swollen belly, waiting for Sirius and James to come back from their night out. Lily was making tea for Skylar, a simple chamomile to calm her nerves. Little Harry was crawling on the floor, playing with Shadow who accompanied Skylar everywhere still.
"It's his first birthday tomorrow" Lily said sitting beside Skylar. Another one with a swollen belly, not as far as Skylar was. Lily and James were on their second child, while Sirius and Skylar were going to experience their first. Skylar was five months along, expecting her child in the month of November. The couple just discovered they were having a girl, something she knew Sirius was over the moon excited for. Skylar could always picture Sirius being a girl dad, he was so kind and patience with Skylar she knew his demeanor was meant for the joys of a girl. The pregnancy wasn't planned, Skylar was doing well on her own as a spy being one of Voldemort's Death Eaters while Sirius was succeeding in every raid him and James were a part of. When she found out she was pregnant, she stopped being Tessa as by Sirius's request. She wanted to keep going, knowing she could hide it with her powers until her belly swelled too big but Sirius begged her to stay home. She listened, all she asked was that he do the same. Dumbledore didn't like hearing that both Sirius and Skylar were no longer participating in his order, being that James and Lily were doing the same thing now. Lily wasn't really ever a huge part in the group, but James was. The loss of the couples was hard on their old Headmaster.

The Potter's home was a safe haven for Lily. Fidelius Charm, an ancient form of magic was placed on the home Lily and James resided in. Sirius was the secret keeper, as James was for Skylar and Sirius' home next door which was Skylar's safe haven. When Lily was first pregnant with her son Harry, James asked Sirius to be the chosen keeper of their secret home. Sirius agreed without hesitation, the only one James truly trusted other than Skylar. Skylar had to be blind folded when going to the Potter's home which she didn't mind. Lily went through the same when she went to the Black's home. No one knew either location except the two 21 year old males. Not even Remus who at one point was a loyal friend of theirs, now they feel as though they've lost trust in him completely. James and Sirius whispered often to one another about their distrust in their old friend, as much as they distrusted Peter. Skylar over heard them speaking about the possibility of Remus being a death eater, something that truly shocked her. If she had to guess it would have been Peter, but when she mentioned the idea to James and Sirius they both said Peter wasn't brave or strong enough for Voldemort to want him in his group. Remus was though. She missed her old friend, she hadn't seen him in months. Since being pregnant, Sirius has been even more protective of Skylar. Not wanting her to be anywhere alone or near anyone he didn't think he could trust. Which left her with James and Lily as her only companions, other than Sirius himself.
"I can't believe he's that old already" Skylar got off the couch to do some light stretching. After sitting for too long her feet and legs would ache. "I'm only halfway to my due date and I look like I'm already nine months pregnant" she said complaining from her lack of energy, aches in her body and size of her stomach. Lily was small when she was pregnant, even at nine months Lily was the size Skylar is now. "We're the same build how is this possible"

"You're going to have a wild child that's why" Lily said smiling. "She's keeping you hungry it's not a bad thing"

"She's stealing all my energy" Skylar said looking at the front door. Her anxiety shifted into her body replacing her tiredness. "They'll come back...right?"

"Right" Lily said, reassuring both her and Skylar. "They always do"

"Yeah well, the bike scares me" Skylar said rubbing her stomach. Sirius bought a motorcycle that he magically enchanted to fly. He tried taking Skylar out on it before she became pregnant but when it started to soar into the sky she got extremely nervous. Sirius brought her down immediately and hasn't asked her to accompany him again. Still after all these years her fears stayed the same. Lucky for Skylar, James was a thrill seeker as well as her husband. Sirius took James on rides a few times a week, always promising to Skylar that he would be safe.

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