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Skylar woke up first. Opening her refreshed eyes the first thing she saw was Shadow laying beside her face. Her cat noticed her awake and stretched deeply, pressing his paws into her cheek. Skylar pet Shadow softly, the feeling of his soft fur under her hand was comforting. Shadow purred loudly at his owner's contact, then began making biscuits on her cheek. Skylar smiled and then turned around to face Sirius who was wrapped tightly around her body. She kissed his still sleeping face, not waking when she did. He normally would have immediately, there were plenty of times when Skylar did just that in the middle the night. When sleep couldn't find her wide awake mind, she would look at Sirius and think of how lucky she was to be by his side. Sirius would fuck her sleepily, one of her favorite faces was Sirius' tired one when he pressed himself into her. Eyes half shut but mind focused on bringing her pleasure.

Leaving the bed, gently to not further disturb Sirius, Skylar got up and walked to the bathroom. She felt cleaner than she was previously, but she knew it wasn't from a shower. She took off Sirius' teeshirt and walked into the charmed shower to begin cleaning herself. The shower was jinxed with a warming spell, never getting cold. Skylar could shower for an hour and it would stay just as hot. Sirius, though he has a warmer temperature than Skylar also enjoys a hot shower. Skylar thought about stopping halfway through to invite Sirius in, but she kept to herself hoping he would sleep a little longer. They both had a hard night and he deserved the extra sleep. She grabbed her pear scented body wash and started to massage her body clean with it. Skylar's throat and head weren't hurting her anymore, the potion did what it was meant to do. Though she couldn't get passed the worry on how she ended up on the ground and why her head hurt. Logically, she could say she fell or that it hurt from her screaming in pain. Both answers didn't seem right to her, like her mind was trying to tell her something.

Skylar was lost in thought, she hadn't realized the bathroom door opened. Sirius opened the curtain, spooking Skylar.
"Hey beautiful" he said looking Skylar up and down slowly. "Room for one more?"

"I thought you were still asleep" Skylar said holding her hand to her chest, waiting for her heart rate to go back down.

"Your body wash woke me" Sirius said moving inside the shower to relax with Skylar. He took her shampoo bottle and began to scrub her scalp, causing her to moan softly. Sirius loved her hair, loved having his hands in it. She loved the way he made her feel when he took care of her.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to let you sleep longer" she said turning to face Sirius as the water ran through her soapy hair. She leaned her head back, exposing her neck which Sirius kissed.

"I'm not trying to miss this" he purred, bringing his hands onto her hips. He pulled her into his hard length, he kept kissing her neck, and sucking on her collarbone.

"I'm going to miss it" Skylar said in between her labored breaths. She wasn't sure how she would survive being away from Sirius in school, he was her safe place. Realistically she couldn't sleep with him every night while they were there which meant having to be ok with being alone again.

Sirius paused, hands now resting on her hips still.
"I'm going to as well" he said softly "one more year"

After their intense shower, the couple helped one another to dry off and fix their hair. Sirius used a brush instead of magic to work through Skylar's long red hair, marveling in its perfect shade. Slowly, he moved through her tangles being as easy as he could be. She hated comparing Sirius to her ex, but it brought her peace when she thought about how much better Sirius treats her. Like the goddess he told her she was, he made her feel like one.
Skylar helped Sirius' shoulder length hair into a high bun, taking a few pieces out to frame his sculpted face, and together they went down the stairs and back to their friend group. James was sleeping still, Skylar could immediately hear his loud snoring through the stairwell. When she reached the bottom step, she noticed Lily sleepily walking out of the guest room. Skylar raised her eyebrows in a knowing way, making Lily flush with color.
"I was tired too ok" Lily said defensively "and the couch was covered in books"

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