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Christmas morning fell on the same day a blizzard rolled into the small town of Godric's Hollow. Outside, Sirius and James were playing their traditional holiday Quidditch game. The snow added an extra bonus for them to work around, training material for when they went back to school. Skylar was sitting in the warm green house with Lily and Euphemia while Remus played keeper with Peter on the opposite side. Fleamont was out getting takeout, a local shop the family enjoyed did a Christmas special. Roasted ham, mashed potatoes, a buffet of vegetables and the best cheese casserole, all prepared by the male and his wife both into their late 8th century of life.

"I know what the boys think, but do you girls agree with them?" Euphemia asked Lily and Skylar.

Tea in their hands, Skylar felt uncomfortable with the conversation being brought up once more. She spent days working on putting the feeling it gave her aside like Sirius mentioned, only to be brought back once more.
"I was already a part of the Order, I was the first to be recruited so I agree" Skylar said, putting on her brave face. Euphemia wanted both girls to disagree with their counterparts, hoping she could sway them if their girlfriends didn't believe in the cause. Euphemia was never going to be ok with her only son fighting in a wizard war, even if it was inevitable. Even if all wizards and witches had to pick a side, she wanted her son to have time to think the idea through. She cursed Dumbledore for mentioning the plan in the first place, he had no right involving teenagers.

"I agree too, I've been given the role of brains so trust that this will not go badly for us" Lily said

"If you both say it's a good idea, then I suppose that's it. Just be careful. I won't sleep at night knowing this is my sons fate, that this is all of your fate" Euphemia stopped as the guys walked to the Green house, snow littering the floor as their feet made way inside. Her tactic of guilt was working on Skylar, adding to the list of things she felt bad about doing.

"Mum tell me you're not still talking about this" James said shuffling snow from his hair, Lily shoved James away but he persisted on making her his snow angel.

"Was I talking about the Order, girls?" Euphemia asked.

Skylar didn't say anything, neither did Lily giving James his answer.
"They're not going to disrespect you, don't put them in that spot" Since the conversation the other day, James and his mother had been at odd ends. Skylar has only seen James be respectful to both his parents, they always provided him with whatever he needed. This was the first argument that James and his mother were a part of, one that had no right ending. James was set on his goals, his mother was determined to change his mind.

"Who won?" Skylar asked, switching the subject.

"I did" James smirked at Sirius as he walked the same snow covered path, shoving Peter and Remus aside. The guys were wrestling another inside the door, Remus was almost through when Peter was shoved in. Being smaller, he was able to get passed the small space unlike Sirius and Remus. Peter was laughing, a truth laugh Skylar hadn't heard from him in what felt like years. The guys were all with rose colored cheeks and frozen hair that began defrosting immediately when they reached the inside. Sirius moved to be near Skylar who backed away, not wanting to have the same fate as Lily who was currently pushing snow off her outfit.

"I just barely lost, so don't let him fool you" Sirius said pulling Skylar into his body, she couldn't avoid his snow wet hair as he rubbed it over her face.

"You're getting slow from not being in the last game" James poked fun at his friend "dad back yet? I want to do gifts"

"I'm here" Fleamont yelled from inside the manor. "Dinner is ready, let's eat first"

Sirius held Skylar close as the rest of the house went into the kitchen. 
"Are you ok with the food being prepared by someone else?" Sirius offered to make Christmas dinner, Skylar didn't want him to feel imposed upon. She knew she couldn't avoid food being prepared by others her entire life, even if the idea of it made her insides twist. Forcing a smile on her face, she nodded her head. "You don't have to lie to me"

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