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Lily Evans was Skylar's best friend.
No questions about it, the two girls were inseparable, the only time they weren't together was in their own house common rooms which they rarely visited.
The two red heads were often found in the library reading, outside in the court yard studying, staying late after class to discuss notes with the Professors. Everything they did in their spare time was to benefit their chosen careers.
Lily wanted to be Head of the Ministry, every year since being at Hogwarts she's taken an apprenticeship at the Ministry. The reason why Liam liked Lily so much was her work ethic and how career driven she was. She was a good influence on Skylar's life. Unlike her other friend Severus.

There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with him, but Liam didn't care for his company so he didn't allow him over. He said no boys rule was always enforced but he only added that rule after she invited Severus for dinner.
He didn't speak almost the entire time something Liam found to be rude. I told him that's he's shy but Severus got on his wrong side and when that happens it's over. Liam doesn't forgive.

Skylar wanted to be a professor, she wanted to teach at Hogwarts specifically but she would take any wizarding school if they offered the position for her.
Her best subjects were potions charms and astronomy. She didn't care what of the three she taught but she mostly hoped for Astronomy.  Liam felt it was a waste of her brain and talents to shoot so low when she could go for Headmaster or a ministry job like his own but she liked the idea of teaching students how to read the stars.

She was born into the Virgo star, her birthday being August 23rd she's on the cusp of Leo as well. She was practical and organized like a true Virgo, but her personality leaned towards Leo quiet a bit. She was ambitious, something that got her into Slytherin and unfortunately had a habit of being jealous easily. She found herself jealous of Lily and Severus' friendship often. He treated the two girls completely different.

After Skylar left her hiding spot she began walking towards Ollivander's wand shop. Picking her own wand out of her pocket and playing with it, she noticed that hers could use a tune up as well. Olllivander recommended students to get their wands checked every few years and she supposed it was about time for that.

Her wand was made from Elm wood, if her getting into a pure blood house wasn't bad enough as a half blood wizard her wand made things worse. When students found out her wand base, they were cruel. She didn't tell her brother about it, he would have overreacted. Ollivander told her that Elm typically favored pure blood wizards it was a picky wand. He thought it was interesting that the wand chose her, regardless of her blood status. Almost all of Slytherin's have this wand wood, the ones who throw hexes at her also claim she stole the wand from a pure blood wizard.
In the beginning she was bothered by their cruelty but the more years that pass the more confidence she created for herself. The wand picked her for a reason.

Dragon was its core, making her wand flamboyant and powerful. Dragon core with Elm wood reaching only 7 1/2 inches made up her small but strong wand. She did her best to keep up with maintenance every year but no matter how much she polished her wand, every battle she endured left it's mark.
Seeing that Slytherin's loved to test her, her wand has seen a lot of damage. She often wondered what would have happened if she was placed in any other house, but it didn't do her any good to dwell on the what if's and what could be's

Madame Malkin's robe shop was coming into view, she reminisced on the first time she entered that building. Her brother brought her immediately when she received her letter later the same year he adopted her from her old home. He was surprised by how small she was compared to him, half his size.
She meant the world to him and to show her he bought her everything on her list and more.
Liam is paid handsomely and since it's only ever been him he had loads to spend on her. Even to this day he gifts her whatever money needed. He spoils her, something their parents couldn't do.

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