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Skylar was quickly moving through the crowds of wizards, pushing passed others who were standing together and in her way. Sirius was yelling her name but she didn't stop. Not until she was walking the unfamiliar path that lead to the Shrieking Shake. A building most thought was haunted but she knew better. She knew this was where James Remus Peter and Sirius hung out before the moon arrived. She went here for the reason being no one else would be, most are too afraid of the noises that are heard from inside the broken building.

Once Skylar arrived at the open field, she fell down to her knees and started to hyperventilate. Hot air was going out of her mouth, and sharp cold air went into her lungs. Shadow jumped out of her sweater and started to explore the new area he was brought to, leaving small footprints in his path.

Sirius reached Skylar a moment after her collapse and went to sit in front of her. He took her hands into his and started packing snow onto them, bringing the burn to a cease. Skylar hissed through her teeth, but Sirius continued cooling down her skin.
"I got your revenge" he told her

Tears made their way out of her eyes, leaving a warm path down her face
"That won't help me. They'll just use that against me. I've tried getting back at them, all of them, and all it's done is further dig my grave. Whatever you did will be done to me worse"

"No it won't" Sirius said determined

Skylar looked up at Sirius with brown hair and pale eyes
"You can't protect me when I'm in my common room, how many times do I have to tell you that!!" She yelled out

"I'll get Regulus—" he tried

Skylar pushed Sirius away, taking her hands back to her chest.
"He can't help me either, he won't do shit against anyone who tries to hurt me. He may be on my side vocally but when shit goes down he disappears, every time that's what happens. He'll come back when the fight is over, but he doesn't help me when I'm getting hexed or shoved around"

"I'll talk to him" Sirius said. For once, he felt useless. Sirius knew that his brother wouldn't fight, not even if he threatened him but he thought that Regulus at least stayed while his friends were hurt. He didn't know that his younger brother disappeared during.

"Go hang out with your friends, I'm going back to the castle" Skylar said, defeat laying inside her soul.

"No" Sirius said back


"I'm not leaving you, let's go to Madame Pomfrey she'll heal your hands" Sirius said going to take her hands back but she kept them to herself

"I want to be alone"

"No you don't" Sirius was losing Skylar, she was shutting him out.

"Leave me alone" she snapped at him, eyes red with anger, no longer pale with sadness. Her hair was a deep blood red.

"Do and say what you want I'm not leaving your side" Sirius didn't know how to calm her down, she was hellbent on pushing him away. He thought of kissing her, thinking she would calm down if he did but he didn't want their first kiss to be remembered like that. So instead he started to rub her knees that were covered in snow, he knew she had to be cold sitting down on the wet ground.

Sirius saw Skylar take out her wand, and that was all her remembered before sleep found it's way into his mind.
He dreamt of a moon and starless night. Nothing to brighten up the sky that was projected above him, he just laid on the wet ground staring up at the blank canvas.

Sirius felt himself coming to, when his eyes opened he saw that he was covered in the puffed jacket that he purchased for Skylar and a stag was above him pushing his body around with its nose. A rat laid on Sirius' chest, he knew his werewolf friend was in the middle of his transformation. He could hear his howling coming from the direction of the shrieking shake. It was just barely dark out, twilight hour must have just passed before he was awoken. Which means he had been sleeping for a few hours, long enough for Skylar to disappear.

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