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Skylar fluttered her eyes open, first seeing a dark room and then feeling a warm chest underneath her face. Looking up she saw Sirius was staring at something, circles rimmed his eyes.
"Hey" she said quiet to not scare Sirius, he was so fixated on what he was looking at. Skylar moved her head in his direction and saw he was staring at the spot where Peter's bed was. "Everything ok?" She asked looking back at Sirius.

"Yeah" he said quietly back. Refocusing on Skylar, he kissed her cold lips. She had been facing his fan, he hadn't realized the direction of her body he would have shifted her if he knew.

"What time is it?" Skylar looked around for Sirius' alarm clock, a vintage muggle piece he found summers ago. Sirius enchanted it to play a song called Back in Black by some muggle band called AC/DC when the alarm would go off. It was quite a show seeing Sirius rise with the song and dance around his dorm room with his best friend James while Remus was trying to find the will to live in the early morning.

Sirius looked at his cloak, after tapping it with his wand to illuminate it he was able to read its hour.

Skylar moved to a straddle position on Sirius' lap. Sirius' blinds were surrounding them, but he felt himself pulling blankets to cover Skylar's ass still. Paranoid that somehow Peter could see through his curtains. Skylar was confused on the act, but let it go.
"You're telling me I've been sleeping for more than 12 hours"

"I didn't want to wake you" Sirius' face looked stressed with lines forming around his mouth. Skylar placed her hand on his face, he laid his tired head onto her palm. Sirius couldn't find sleep, no matter how hard he tried. His need to protect Skylar was overriding his need for sleep, with Peter in the room he couldn't relax.

"I don't understand why I was so tired" she said, in the darkness Sirius could see her face twitching with forgetfulness. She was trying to remember what happened, he could tell. Subconsciously, Sirius tightened his hold on Skylar's thighs.

"Do you remember anything from yesterday" he asked. Skylar didn't like how he was acting, almost like he expected someone to bombarda his bed apart.

"I remember meeting you at potions, that's as far as it goes. Class is a little shifty" Skylar said, feeling her hands shake. She wasn't sure where the anxiety was coming from, but it was expelling out of her body in the form of a shake. Sirius took one hand from her thigh and placed it around the one cupping his own face. He turned his head and placed a kiss on the center of her palm.

"What about from the afternoon? Anything before class" Sirius' eyes, even in the darkness, would usually shine with a grey light. His eyes always swirled with different shades of grey, silver would be the most prominent when he was looking at her own turquoise irises. Right now, his eyes were dark like charcoal.

Skylar closed her eyes, trying to remember what occurred in her day. She recalled her hour spent with Professor Griffin, Sirius nodded his head at that. She told him about their defense class, Sirius again agreed to that information. She wasn't sure what he was looking for, but then when she tried to remember details of what happened when she parted ways from Griffin she couldn't.
"There is a weird time, when I can't remember anything"

Sirius look away from Skylar, back to where Peter was sleeping in his bed. He had told his two friends his decision on what he was going to do with the information they held. They agreed it was better to find out the whole truth instead of explain what they assumed happened. It didn't make Sirius feel any less filthy.
"Is there anything you're keeping from me?" Sirius asked, still looking at Peter.

Skylar felt her heart beating fast, she wasn't sure what happened while she slept but now she felt like it was something terrible.
"What do you mean?"

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