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Skylar woke up next to Rowan. She would have thought she dreamt the whole encounter with Sirius if it wasn't for her clothes. Rowan liked when she wore shorts and a tank top to sleep, he liked the way she looked in the two. She was still in sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

Skylar went back to her room after kissing Rowan good morning and changed into her regular uniform. After changing her hair back to blonde and eyes back to a dark brown, she was ready to meet him downstairs again.

Rowan knew she wasn't in bed the entire night with him, he thought of how he would find out her reasoning later when they weren't around his crowd. Adrian and Quill walked down with Rowan to wait for Skylar. The two of them didn't care to wait but Rowan lead their group, so they did. He could have made captain if Quill wasn't better at school than him. Grades count for captain position, the reason why he began dating Skylar was to use her for her brain. The more he's been around her the more he's grown to like her. Obsess with her.

Skylar's class schedule was ancient runes first, defense against the dark arts, lunch and then potions. She took ancient runes with Ravenclaws, no one else seemed to take this class but them and Lily. Skylar debated sitting beside her, Severus wasnt in this class she could if she wanted to.

Skylar took a deep breath and sat next to her old friend. Lily didn't move when she sat down, oddly accepting where Skylar decided to sit. The two of them haven't talked since the train ride, it's been the longest she's been without her best friend.

Professor Babbling ended class with a light amount of homework, something Skylar thought was odd since this is where she receives the most to write but she took it without question.
Lily waited for Skylar at the door, making her heart beat too quick. She collected her bag and book and rushed for the door. If she was going to talk to Lily it would be now.

They walked together to their next class, where both of their obligations would be waiting. Rowan and Severus. Neither who would like it if they saw they were together. Severus has avoided Skylar in their common room, acting like she doesn't exist. She preferred it that way, she didn't want to think he existed either.

Skylar was stubborn, she didn't want to start the conversation first since she was also the one who took the initiative to sit next to Lily.
Silence the entire walk, neither talked but Skylar felt like it was a step in the right way for their relationship.

Rowan wasn't waiting outside of Defense class, Severus was though. He glared at Skylar when he saw she was walking beside his friend. Lily walked passed Severus, not saying anything to him. Skylar walked by him too but she was sure to flip him off behind her body so Lily didn't see.

Sirius was back in class, he was feeling brand new after sleeping his head injury away. He was going to keep to himself about Skylar visiting, but James cornered him immediately when he entered the common room this morning. James told him how he looked at their map, a map with everyone's location on it at all times, and watched as Skylar walked from Slytherin's common room to the hospital wing. James sat in his bed eating chocolate frogs as he watched her name walk her cute self over to his best friend's name. He saw the two of them sit next to each other until she scurried off.
James and Remus didn't tell Skylar that they already knew where her common room was, it didn't matter to them and she felt safer thinking they didn't know. He knew how strict the head of houses were about locations being a secret. That's what made finding it originally so difficult.

The Maraurder's group saw Lily and Skylar walk in together, then saw Skylar sit next to Rowan and Lily sit at her table wanting for Severus to join her.
"Do you think..." Remus said curiously looking at the two girls

"they made up!?" James said excited jumping out of his seat

Remus pulled James back down, his excitement grabbing at him like a claw machine.
"Let's not be hasty"

"But they walked in together" James said

"Yes but are they giggling or smiling, anything that would tell you they were friends again?" Remus questioned

"Seems like they're working on it their way" Sirius added. He got out of his chair and stretched his arms out, hospital beds weren't the most comfortable "if you don't mind I'm going to collect my prize"

James chuckled
"You better thank Lambskin for that win. What would you have done if he didn't catch the snitch?"

"It wouldn't have changed a damn thing" Sirius said confidently "the win just makes it so I can talk shit at the same time"

Skylar watched Sirius waltz over to her seat, Rowan stiffened beside Skylar grabbing her body and pulling her in.
"Didn't learn your lesson?" Rowan snapped, seeing Sirius continue his walk he tighten his hold on Skylar "don't even think of coming any closer"

Sirius smirked, a challenge was presented and he was competitive. He laid his hands onto the table, right in front of Skylar's chair. Skylar's eyes widen at Sirius' stance in front of them. Sirius was unafraid of Rowen, even after he sent him to the hospital. Skylar envied his bravery.
"I'm here to collect my winning"

"You didn't win shit" Rowan said, Skylar could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly

"I told you if we won the game, Goose was my prize. We won" Sirius' smirk was gone, his eyes were cold against his warm face "so take your hand off of my prize"
Sirius didn't want to own Skylar, she wasn't an object. Rowan saw her as one so he needed to claim her like one back. Sirius knew that Skylar was anxious, she was staring at him with eyes filled of worry. He wished he could rip her out of Rowan's grip and move in between them, but he restrained himself. Hardly.

Rowan was going to fight back but the Professor shut the doors, silencing the crowd that was watching the two. Professor Griffin was an ex aura who the Headmaster convinced to take the Defense class position. He was around his mid-thirties with long black hair, typically kept in two even braids. He was tall, lean and had most of the students attention when he walked in. Skylar didn't see anything special with him, but she knew Lily thought he was handsome.

"We are going across the hall for today's lesson. No need for bags" the professor said

Rowan grabbed Skylar's hand and pulled her with him to exit the room. Sirius stayed behind the pair, James followed closely with Remus and Peter. Rowan looked to his group of friends and without talking they pushed back the Maraurder's and kept behind Skylar and Rowan.

Once they arrived in the room, Skylar noticed immediately the only object in sight. A large cabinet, that's it. She knew what was inside that wooden furniture without explanation. They were going to be taught about boggarts today.

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