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It was later in the month, the cold weather was becoming unbearable for Skylar. She was currently doing double homework while watching Rowan practice with his team. They've been dating for almost four months now, Christmas was fast approaching. Professor Slughorn mentioned in their last Slug Club meeting that he would be having his annual Christmas get together before holiday came for everyone. His club was filled with interesting students, mostly students who were brilliant in school work or ones with important families. Skylar has been invited for a few years now, for her brain not family reputation of course. Lily and her were there for that reason, they usually attended his Christmas party together but she didn't think that would happen this year.

The first interaction they had together has still been the only one. The next week when they had ancient runes again, Lily was sat near someone else. She's never known Lily to be so stubborn, she would have come up to Skylar by now this is was Severus' influential .

Looking down at her double potion's essay, she began proof reading to be sure they were both separate enough to sound like separate students wrote them. Skylar wasnt paying attention to practice, she didn't see the bludger coming for her shoulder. When it hit her, her body shoved sideways, scattering their homework and her book bag. Skylar clutched where the bludger attacked her and saw Adrian smirking. He stopped when Rowan flew to where Skylar was sitting, she thought it was weird that he was coming this way usually he paid her no mind during practice.

"How bad are you hurt?" Rowan asked looking at her shoulder

Skylar looked at him confused
"I think it's dislocated" she went from looking at Rowan to seeing the disappointment in Adrian. Rowan used to think nothing of it when he would send bludgers at her during practice.

Rowan looked at Adrian and then at Quill. Quill nodded his head
"Adrian go fly laps"

"You're joking right" Adrian said agitated

"You heard me" Quill snapped back

Adrian took off, quicker than normal, and began lapping the field. Something they did as punishment, usually until their fingers were frozen to their broom.

"Do you need to go to Madame Pomfrey?" Rowan asked

"I probably should..." she said skeptical

"You're cold" Rowan added seeing her body shake. Skylar was inside a giant blanket that she summoned but it was doing her no good "after we visit her office, ill bring you back to the common room where you can stay warm"

"We?" Skylar asked softly "you're coming with me?"

"Yeah, is that ok?" Rowan asked

Skylar didn't know what to say. He's shown his nice side, only when people were around. He's never skipped practice to tend to her. She's usually left on her own without his acknowledgment.
"Yeah" she said back

Rowan didn't say bye to his teammates they all went back to practicing. Skylar went to collect their items but he did it for her instead. She watched as he grabbed all their homework and then used Accio to the items that scattered further away. He placed everything in their bags and then around his shoulders. He put his hand out for Skylar and she grabbed it. His hand was soft, something she found strange for how much he plays on the broom. She knew he took extra time to care for himself, it showed with his soft warm hands.

Together they walked to the hospital wing, Skylar clutched her shoulder the full walk.
"I'm sorry about your shoulder" he said

Skylar looked around the hallway and saw no one was around.
"You don't have to be nice no one is around" she said awkwardly

"I deserve that" he said back "I'm sorry for the way I've treated you. I'll be better" he leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips

Rowan's act of kindness made her swoon, Skylar felt dizzy on her feet.
"I forgive you" she said

Madame Pomfrey healed her shoulder within no time and Rowan kept his promise about bringing Skylar to the common room where it was warm for her. He sat down on the leather couch and pulled her into his side. They laid together watching the fire, not because the room was filled with students and he needed to show her off but because he wanted to.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked breaking the silence

Something so simple made Skylar soften further into his side.
"Green, what's yours?"

"Orange" he answered "sunset orange"

She smiled onto his chest
"What's your favorite..." together the lay discussed likes and dislikes. Something most couples would have done in the beginning of their relationship. They had a rocky start but Skylar felt this was the beginning of a nice relationship.

"Want to come to Slughorn's party with me?" Skylar asked him

"That would be great" he said "I would like to"

Skylar smiled as she let the warmth of the fire and Rowan to drift her softly into sleep. She dreamt of nothing, for once not a single thing found her mind.

The following day was a Hogsmeade day. Skylar and Rowan left together to ride the carriage to the only all wizard town in Scotland. Snow littered the ground, finding its way onto Skylar's blonde hair. Rowan kept her close to his side, shielding her from the brutal wind. She decided today she would find Rowan a Christmas gift.

Liam had sent her money for gifts for her friends, Lily was the intended one but she wouldn't be using the money for her this year. He always sent her more then she needed, so she bought him something every year too. His letters have been short and sparse since being at school, he blamed his job for the lack of attention he's provided her. His last letter was the shortest it's been


Have fun shopping for Christmas. I'll see you soon.


That was it. She turned it back and forth to see if more writing would appear but it didn't. She missed him terribly but when the holiday came she knew he would spend time with her. He never let his job interfere with their holiday.

Rowan's first stop was the quidditch shop in town, he looked around at new brooms and even though he found one he loved he didn't purchase it. She thought it was odd but made a mental note to grab it later. He did the same thing to every store we went to, looked at something she noticed he really liked and then walked away from it. She wasn't sure if he was giving her hints on what to get for him or if he was just really that indecisive.

When they exited a clothing boutique store just for men he asked if she wanted to grab a butter beer. She agreed, hoping to get a warm one instead of a cold one. The snow scattering on building tops and heads of outdoor merchants made hogsmeade more beautiful. She hated the cold but loved seeing how it transformed the area.

When they got into the Three Broomsticks, Rowan walked Skylar to a booth far in the corner where no one else was sitting. Normally he would have brought them to the center of the room, but he wanted privacy with her.

"I'll be back" he kissed her before leaving to grab their drinks

She didn't ask for a warm buttered drink, she hoped he would grab one of those for her knowing how her body was. When Skylar looked around the room, she noticed it was filled with older witches and wizards. They were talking about the missing wizards and muggle deaths. Something she hadn't heard discussed since she's been at school.

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