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Skylar stayed seated in her chair, waiting for the headmaster to explain her being there. Professor McGonagall left the pair alone, she mentioned making sure her part of the party found their way back to their classes. Skylar was going to be late to Defense class but Dumbledore would excuse her tardiness if he was willing to keep her longer than the rest of the group.

"Miss.Miller, can I call you Skylar?" He asked

She nodded her head

"How are you fairing?" He asked calmly. Almost like he could read her mind earlier when she mentioned how unhelpful he was to her situation.

"Fine" one worded answers were common from her.

"Even with the raid on your brother's department?" He questioned

Skylar sat stunned
"I wasn't aware of any"

"It happened the day of your arrival from holiday. He's been brought in for questioning on possibly...being a part of something" Dumbledore wasn't sure how much information Skylar knew. He didn't want to say to much, worried that she knew too much for good and bad reasons.

"Being part of what" she asked "You cant just tell me my brother's in trouble and not tell me details"

"For being, well there is a group of individuals—"

"death eaters" she said interrupting his sentence

He looked at her with a hint of suspicion
"So you're aware of the group"

"Because i ease dropped on a conversation a month ago" she said, annoyed "I'm not in line with them if that's what you're insinuating"

"I see" Dumbledore kept looking at Skylar as if she was the next to be raided "where did you go during your break?"

"The Potter's" she was starting to feel under interrogation. She wanted to shift under the Headmaster's glance but she kept her body still. Shifting would make her look guilty, head high made her look confident.

"Can anyone vouch for that?" He asked

Skylar refrained from an eye roll
"Fleamont, his wife, James, Sirius, Remus all can"

"Very well, I don't meant to make you feel attacked. I have a job to do as Headmaster, to keep everyone who calls Hogwarts their home safe" what about me she wanted to ask
"The times we are living in are...dangerous. Can I trust that you will come to me if you hear anything suspicious?"

"I have no reason not to. I am a prefect after all" she said getting out of her seat "is there anything else?"

"No you are free to go to class" Dumbledore wrote her a tardy note and sent it to her on a magical wind. She grabbed it out of the air and walked down the spiral stairs.

Waiting at the bottom of the stairs was Sirius, like he told her he would be. He smiled when he saw her walking towards him, but frowned almost immediately seeing her own expression.
"Whats wrong?" He asked concerned

"Liam's department was raided for suspicious behavior" she said, voice soft
She caught Sirius up on what Dumbledore said to her, hoping he would relay the information to their friends relieving her of that pressure.

"So is he being held captive?" Sirius asked after listening to Skylar's concerns.

"I don't know, it happened when we got back to the castle...didn't McGonagall come down here to make sure you all went to class?" Skylar asked needing a conversation switch

"She did" Sirius pointed above their heads where there were wooden beams crisscrossed with each other "I wanted to walk you with you so I hid, James and Remus told her I was already on my way to class"

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