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Skylar sat with Remus as Lily James Sirius and Peter put the cottage back together. It took almost the entire afternoon, pieces of the structure wanted to keep falling apart once placed together again. Being the second time the house had been damaged by magic, it made each time harder to stitch back up.
Remus stayed by Skylar, the only one who understood the loss of someone close. Sirius stayed nearby, constantly looking at his girlfriend to be sure she was sitting still. He worried she would take off on her own to find Liam, even after swearing she wouldn't. His deranged cousin was the one who got the killing shot, something he felt terrible about too. It wasn't as though Bellatrix was a favorite relative of his, but the sting knowing a member of his family killed her last remaining one was hard to move passed.

Remus sat with his head on top of Skylar's, hers on his shoulder. The silence was a welcomed feeling, silence was better than the screams Skylar produced or the tears Remus had the day before. Hand in hand the friends comforted each other.
"I understand now" Skylar said in a whisper. Her throat was clenching from over exertion. Shadow was curled on her lap, her cat had reappeared moments before she spoke. Sirius had to let him go when they were attacked, hoping he would find safety from the wreckage. When Shadow walked back home, Sirius took a breath of relief. One less thing he had to break Skylar's heart over.

"What do you understand?" Remus asked. The warm breeze from earlier was disappearing as night arrived. The two friends stared at the sun lowering into her bed for the night, the moon coming up in her place. Remus would have to leave in a few days for his transformation, for now he could appreciate how the moon brightened up the cloud filled night sky.

"Forgiving someone who at one point didn't deserve it. I didn't get to tell Liam I forgave him, and that's..." Skylar cleared her throat. "that's going to haunt me for the rest of my days" she said wiping a silent tear from her face. Sirius was listening to the conversation as he used his wand to add protection spells again. Never too far away from her, ready to attach himself if she tried apparating alone.

"How does it make you feel about Peter?" Remus asked, knowing where the conversation was leading. Peter was next to James, wand out rebuilding the roof for the small cottage now. Even though Sirius Skylar James and Lily had other plans on where they were going to live, this was still going to be the home for Remus and Peter. Remus would go to his old cave when he needed to transform, but Peter would live full time in the cottage. It was meant for Blue and Remus but as life seemed to go for Remus, his happiness was stripped from him.

Skylar was silent for a moment. Remus waited patiently for her answer, knowing it took a lot of strength to let go of pain.
"He hurt me, more than once" she started with. Sirius nodded his head in the background of their conversation. Silently agreeing to her statement. "I told him I forgave him, but I didn't mean it"

"Liam hurt you a lot too" Remus said.

"He did" she agreed. "And I forgive him for it"

"You have every right to not forgive Peter" Remus added. "Just because I think he needs to be, doesn't mean you need to think the same. Holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other to perish. Self destruction begins when you hold no forgiveness for wrongdoings"

"I want to believe you're right about him" Skylar said looking at Peter now, a deep long exhale followed Skylar's words. "So I'll trust you, I'll truly hold forgiveness for him"

Remus nodded his head, while Sirius kept a neutral face finishing his portion of work. He wasn't sure how to feel, but emotionally he felt drained. It was a lot to pull out forgiveness in Sirius, he barely has any for Liam and that's only because he's deceased now. Sirius wondered if that's what it would take for him to find it for Peter too.
"Did you recognize where the Mansion was?" Lily asked Remus next. With dust on her clothes, she sat down beside the two friends. The cottage was ready once more, but none entered it. The friends began to gather around one another once more.

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