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Another long night had the friends sluggish at breakfast. Grounding Skylar's mind helped, Sirius and Peter's suggestion. Meditating in between summonings with Remus helped, times when Skylar kept her mind void of all thoughts. Though all good suggestions worked in some way, it never stopped fully causing Skylar pain. Skylar was beginning to believe she would never be without the sharp burning or the stabbing sensations again. Thankful for her friends support, she still felt terrible looking around at the dining table at each of their dark circles and stress lines. They all looked rough, but Sirius looked the most discouraged. He was frustrated for his girlfriend, fearing what she did that this would be something she would have to deal with for her entire life. The only good thing coming for them was school, where she wouldn't feel as much pain being inside a barrier. Sirius looked up from his plate of eggs and sausage to Remus who was doing more research instead of eating.
"Do you think—?"

"Already on it" Remus said looking at Sirius. It was as if their brains connected for a moment. Remus showed Sirius the book he had found at a local thrift shop this morning, Barriers, Protection Spells by Onyx the Great

"Why didn't we think of this earlier I feel so stupid" Sirius said slouching into his chair. He looked at Skylar who was on his left and barely moving. The way she looked at him when he helped her dress this morning was enough to break him fully. Her eyes were bloodshot from tears that cascaded down her face all night. Her smile was broken, bottom lip trembling as she let Sirius place a shirt onto her body. Speaking of her body, everything hurt for her. She had to take extra doses of Dittany to feel ok again, her skin was sensitive and her throat was raw. Her voice was horsed, she looked how Sirius felt.

"We were looking for ways to help with something way out of our leagues. Occlumency isn't taught in school it's something Auror's learn, this is something we can figure out" Remus said flipping another page

"I feel stupid not knowing what you two are going on about" James said looking for context. The only one to eat his meal and go for seconds. James was around the night before, he had experience while this was most of the group's first time. He knew not eating wouldn't help him, James was good at eating even in the worst of times. He was concerned about the lack of movement from Lily this morning though. She chose to stay by James' side the entire night, making him feel blissful in their awful situation. James hoped this would be the year Lily would finally accept his date proposal, he already had the perfect one planned for them. He was going to take her flying on his broom, something he knew she enjoyed doing. Lily wasn't a part of the Quidditch team, but she excelled in flying class. James watched her look at students on brooms in awe, wishing she owned one. He was going to take her on a nice long flight, ending in a picnic that Sirius would help him gather up. She would love it, he would love being around her, and finally Lily would agree to being James' girlfriend. Then all he had to worry about was finding a ring for their proposal, before Sirius ruined things and proposes to Skylar before Lily even accepted James' date. Their double wedding couldn't happen if his end wasn't ready. James smiled to himself in his own delusional mind.

"A protection barrier" Peter said looking over at Remus' page. Sirius wasn't passed his obsession with what might have happened with Peter and Skylar. It escalated to a worse state when he was without sleep, but Peter helped Skylar when she was in pain. When Sirius wasn't close to her and she needed someone to support her. Sirius owed Peter a little recognition, it was buying him time.

"But are any of us really skilled enough for something like that?" Lily asked joining Remus in his book. She saw he was looking at complex spells, she scrunched her nose trying to decipher the codes.

"It's possible that if we do enough basic ones it'll help Skylar for the time being" Remus said placing his book down "any barrier is better than the ones that exist now"

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