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James was beside Lily Remus and Peter as they walked through Hogsmeade. Lily chose to sit with James on the carriage ride over, though no snow littered the ground the wind brought forth a chill. Lily sat closely to James, feeding off his body heat. James wanted to put his arms around her body and pull her in, but he refrained. Other than the moments in summer when she slept beside him, he hasn't tried physical contact with her. Not even a hug which killed him because Lily loved receiving hugs from people. Fall leaves were bright in the distance, students were dressed in sweaters light enough so they wouldn't sweat walking around, but warm enough for the chill. Lily was dressed in a white sweater, red skirt. If he had to guess, he would say Skylar's outfit would be similar but different colors. The two girls found ways to match without trying, ironically matching well with the male partner's too. Not that James is Lily's partner, but he hoped that if the sign of her dressing to match him is real than she will be. James and Lily are no strangers to dating, both having relationships that lasted barely a few months. James knew Lily's didn't last because of his interference, his own didn't because they weren't Lily. Just distractions.

When the group arrived in Hogsmeade, James lead them to a few different shops. The first being the local Quidditch supply store. James needed a new broom, he broke his during practice when he was running laps with his team. Their newest member, Jazzy, accidentally rammed into his already beaten broom. James didn't believe in wasting money on new things until it was necessary, he had been using his old broom for years.
"It feels like cheating" James said as he walked through the isle of new brooms. "My old one was nice and worn in" He noticed Lily's stare as she followed close behind him, looking at brooms herself. "You like flying right?" He asked her.

Lily looked from the recent model, Airwhip 1978, to James.
"Uh yeah" she said touching the broomstick. She imagined flying around, wind blowing in her hair as she did. It had never crossed her mind to try out for the team, it wasn't her thing, but it wasn't normal for someone to just own a broom outside of Quidditch. Being that they are expensive and if you're not playing there isn't much a point to holding onto one.

"Want to go flying with me one day?" James said, looking directly into her moss green eyes. He loved the way her eyes shined, when she was passionate about a subject he saw how many shades of green blessed her iris. This was one of those times.

"I would like that" Lily said, surprising James.

"I would too" James said, continuing his walk attempting to be casual about the conversation but in reality she agreed to go on a date. He thought about scrapping Skylar's idea and going with his own now, but he didn't have his broom. An easy problem to solve, but he also didn't have things for his picnic. "Another time" he muttered to himself. He made himself remember which broom she liked the most, hoping for Christmas to present it to her. She would think it was extravagant, too much to spend. James could go broke buying gifts for those he loved, and what a way to go it would be. He was a gift giver, always had been always loved to see reactions to his surprises.

After the supply store, James took the group to the local library. This stop wasn't for him, he didn't need or want to look at books, but Lily and Remus expressed interest and he would be damned to stay out of it. Another thing he could see Lily fall in love with. The way she discussed books with Remus had James wishing he held the same interest as them, he knew his other dorky friend would be huddled in that group discussing the latest release. James looked at Peter who was browsing and wondered when his friend stopped being a good person. Peter was the type of person to have your back, do no wrong, caring, thoughtful. The guy who was looking at books, further away from the group, wasn't the same one he became friends with in first year. He was obsessive, anxious, shifty, all things that James thought would never happen to his old friend. He didn't know if what Remus Sirius and himself thought was true, that he messed with Skylar's mind, but if it was it would be detrimental.

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