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October 25th 1981

Skylar was sitting with Lily in Harry's room while Sirius and James were downstairs making dinner. Skylar could hear Sirius yell at James for his attempt at helping and James' rebuttal on the subject.
"This is going to look so good in Benjamin's room, don't you think?" Lily asked holding a frame up for Skylar to see. Her mother sent her another round of gifts, things James had to pick up from the local owl post since no items got delivered to her address. The picture was of two hot air balloons, her mother thought it was cute because it represented both sons. The only gifts that Skylar has received have been from James and Lily, she will never get family blessings. Her family is no longer in this realm and Sirius' hate him and her. A letter was sent through the post that Skylar and Sirius owned, his mother before passing made sure to explain her hatred for both of them. She stated that neither were true parts of the Black family and that they were a disgrace. Skylar was envious of Lily's relationship with her parents and James's. His parents passed before Harry was born, but James had a room full of baby items they bought before their end, expecting he would need the gifts one day.

"I think so" Skylar said feeling the familiar tinge of jealousy. The Potter's house was as big as the Black's, both with four bedrooms and three baths. Skylar and Sirius were using their spare bedroom for themselves while the fourth room was being set up for the newest baby. Lily was only two months behind Skylar, making her six months along. She found out she was having a second boy, much to James' excitement.
The jealousy steamed from Skylar being unable to decorate her baby's room. Since having to be at the Potter's, Skylar has been unable to get her daughter's room ready for her arrival next month. The basic things were setup, a crib and dresser, but nothing was decorated. Nor were clothes put in their proper spot.

"I bet you'll have your daughter the 3rd" Lily said passing Skylar another piece of clothing to fold. Skylar didn't have anything to do at the Potter residence except help Lily with her setup. James and Sirius both went back and forth to her old house, but neither Lily nor Skylar were allowed.

"That would be fun" Skylar said, trying to hide her growing attitude. Sirius' birthday was November 3rd and even though her due date was later, Lily thought she would have the baby early on.

"Everything alright?" Lily asked, another item was passed to Skylar which she took begrudgingly.

"I'm fine" Skylar said, the only sentence that brought concern for her friends and Sirius.
Lily nodded her head, getting up from the floor she decided they needed to leave the room.
She lent a hand to Skylar, helping her from the floor became more difficult the longer she was pregnant. "I'm surprised I got down there in the first place" Skylar said, holding her stomach. Aurora kicked her lightly, pressing her foot against her belly.

"She's always so active, Benny likes to relax most days" Lily said hand on her own. She wouldn't tell Skylar, but she was jealous of the amount of activity her friend's belly showed.

"Sirius wants her to play quidditch when she's old enough, I bet she'll do just that" Skylar said as the two made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Harry was on the floor playing with Shadow, his favorite companion. Shadow had to follow the couple to the Potter's, luckily they didn't mind the cat being around.
Lily walked up to James, kissing him and then whispered something to Sirius. Skylar found it odd, but sat down on the couch near Harry and watched him play with her feline.
"You love him, don't you Shadow" she said watching her cat lightly smack Harry's leg. Her cat began purring when Harry tried petting it's back.

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