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The year was close to ending, within the last few weeks Skylar had been working nonstop with Professor Griffin on how to use Occlumency, strengthening her mind against invaders. The project was a lot more taxing than she realized it would be, every night Sirius would drop Skylar off at the Defense Class room and after every session he was there to pick her up again. He saw how much stress it put on Skylar, often offering to carry her back to her dorm, his dorm, the Astronomy tower wherever she chose to spend the night but she refused. Professor Griffin was strict with their practice, unlike his normal classroom attitude. Dumbledore had to fill him in on why Skylar needed the lessons, the defense Professor began showing her new hexes and jinxes, ones he's learn only through his auror experience. Tonight's class was even more exhausting, as she was busy all day practicing her new spells with her group. Lily offered advice while James and Sirius let her practice on them. Skylar didn't like practicing on Sirius but he assured her he didn't mind. James often deserved it, making her annoyed enough that she wanted to hex him.

It was a full moon, Remus was already in hiding along with his friends now. Sirius told Skylar he would stay to be with her, which he did most full moons now but she told him it was alright to go be with his friends. She wanted to spend time with Lily, Severus hasn't been around which had been nice. Lily took her spot next to Skylar again in classes, Sirius was back to partnering with James but the pair chose seats close to the girls. Severus was agitated when he first saw Lily and Skylar laughing together again. It was even worse when he saw Lily laugh at something James said.

Skylar was breathing heavily in the dark classroom, Professor Griffin had his wand inside his cloak not needing it to enter her mind. He was a great teacher, that was also the problem. He was so good that he expected perfection out of Skylar too.

"Try harder" the Professor snapped, after successfully entering Skylar's mind. Each time he used his skill, she had to relive trauma she had been through. He didn't bring up happy memories, to him that wouldn't be as helpful. One of the worst memories that was constantly brought up was the look on Liam's face when she was no longer under his care.

"I am" Skylar said frustrated "you act like this is easy"

Professor Griffin's carefree attitude didn't come out when they practiced together. He was cold, unbothered by her tears of frustration and the breakdowns she encountered from reliving her worst moments.

"Again" was the only warning Skylar received before she could feel his mind enter her own again.
This time Liam's face wasn't what popped into her head, it was her parents bodies lying on the kitchen floor of her old home.

Skylar was watching her memories flood through her system, the murderers' chewing their way through her parent's bodies as she stood there helpless on the steps. She could hear the screams of agony coming from her mother, her father passed immediately from his wounds. She was unlucky enough to hang on longer.

That memory stopped, another one played

"You sure?" An American Congress worker asked another. Two tall men stared down at the little girl staring into her reflection in a mirror.

Skylar stared at the memory in confusion, she couldn't recalled this conversation. It was possible her mind had hidden it along with more trauma from that day.

"Yup, this is the work of a werewolf colony. The British Ministry will be here shortly to confirm, they've got more experience in this than we do. The markings on the bodies and how bad the damage is compares to what I've heard" said a tall blonde male

His counterpart took out a cigar and smoked it gently. His hair was braided back, tight on his skin.
"I've never seen a werewolf case"

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