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Rowan's gift to Skylar was a necklace with his Initials. It wasn't very original but another reminder of who she belonged to. He told her to wear it at all times, something that she might have found sweet if it wasn't laced with venom. He might as well dress her up in an outfit plastered with his face next.

She slept beside him in his dorm, when Shadow tried sleeping with them he kicked the kitten off.
When Rowan finally went to sleep, Skylar went to the ground and found her sweet creature under the bed, waiting for an invite back up. She pulled him to her side and laid with him beside her, holding his body close to hers in hopes that if someone tried messing with her pet she would feel it.
She didn't sleep that night.

The next morning she skipped breakfast, and now lunch too. Finding herself not hungry, it seemed her depression and anxiety from Rowan was catching up to her.
As usual she sat with Rowan while he ate a large meal. Her first class didn't begin for an hour so the plan was to spend time watching Rowan practice for quidditch, they had a game against Ravenclaw this week. While his team would fly around she would sit in the stands cold and alone.

The air was cold, as she expected it to be. She didn't bring James' enchanted blanket with her, afraid of Rowan asking where she got it, who she got it from. She wore a large jacket and a sweatshirt underneath, it did nothing against the Scottish wind that whipped around from the flying brooms. Rowan was practicing throws with Sammie and Quill, back and forth she watched as the quaffle got tossed from player to player to goal posts that were protected by their keeper Jackson who rarely hung around the team. He played quidditch but didn't interact with any of the members. Skylar was surprised that he was even on the team, but his skills were enough to keep his position.

When Rowan was practicing, she found a moment to escape. He was occupied with his team, directing them on new moves so she knew he was heavily distracted.
Skylar walked down the quidditch stands and towards the castle again. She had a plan that was going to bring her to tears but it was for the best.

She found her intended audience watching first years get lost in the halls on their way to their second class. Skylar saw James and Sirius up high in the post above unsuspecting students, they had their favorite goop bombs they were planning on throwing at the lost students. Peeves was circling around the two of them, waiting for his opportunity to attack the new students with water balloons, his favorite activity.

Remus saw Skylar walking towards him, without Rowan, and met her halfway. Peter stayed on the window stile watching his friends cause trouble. It seemed he was back to being their friend again.
Remus hugged Skylar, he didn't ask what was wrong or is she was ok. He knew what was wrong and he knew she wasn't ok. Questions like those were pointless.
"Talk to me" he said after releasing her from their embrace

Peter just stared at Skylar. He didn't tell his friends above his head that she was there, they were too busy with their pranks to notice anything odd. Truly they didn't expect to see her without Rowan and were letting off steam about their frustrations of her situation. The entire group never felt so useless.

"He's not going to let me out of his sight. I'm only here now because he's occupied with quidditch but I'm sure that isn't going to last. I..." I need help is what she wanted to say "I uhm" she told herself she wasn't going to involve them. Things would just get worse if she let them into her fight.

Remus didn't offer any encouragement, he wasn't sure how to. For once he was stumped. He just listened to her words, the only thing he could do.

Skylar heard two large bodies land behind her, causing her to jump into Remus' chest. He caught her but she didn't feel him tense so she knew who it was before her ears caught their voices
"Where is he?" Sirius asked. His tone wasn't friendly, he was over Rowan's influence on her life.

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