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"Welcome all to the first game of the season, Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw!!" The crowd on both ends of the stadium went loud, the sounds of stomping and cheering were heard echoing all around Skylar's seat. Her body vibrated from the boasting energy effecting her. Nothing was more important to the Hogwart House's than a Quidditch match, even students who weren't athletic found themselves amped for game day. "I'm your host, Otto Patteson" This year's announcer was a fourth year from Hufflepuff, Madame Hooch picked him for his skill in voice and his Hufflepuff fairness. Each year the announcer has changed, some do it for extra credit while others do it for love of the sport. Skylar was sitting down on a bench with Sirius Remus and Lily beside her. Sirius was sulking on their walk over, no longer hiding his displeasure of being benched for the first game of the season. Blue was sitting with the group as well, cheering for his team but on an unofficial date with Remus mostly. Skylar watched as Remus covered Blue with his jacket after seeing the male shiver from the cold wind. Sirius made sure to keep Skylar by his side in the jacket she stole from him last year. The leather one that looked way better on her than him, in his opinion.
"Welcome our teams!!" Otto said, sitting beside McGonagall and Slughorn. Skylar noticed the two Professor's whispering to each other, smack talking more than likely.

Gryffindor's team came out from under the stadium where the group was sitting, quick and with high spirits. Skylar noticed Sirius slouched further into his seat, arms crossed.
"I already can't stand this" Sirius watched as his replacement showboated around the field, flying on his school broom. "He's going to make them lose i just know it"

"Or he's going to be so good Prongs might just ask him to stay in your place" Remus teased, making Lily laugh. Sirius shoved Remus over landing on Blue's lap. The two blushed brightly, Skylar laughed this time. She hadn't told Remus of her findings yet, she felt like it would make him want to distance himself from Blue. Unsure if he will fear him or not, Skylar already felt like Remus walked around on eggshells during the full moon week when he was around herself. She hated fearing his transformation, hoping one day to be passed it.

"I'm sorry you're benched, but this is exciting to watch together" Skylar said. "I'm thankful for what you did for me, I know it upsets you to not be out on the field"

Sirius placed his hand on Skylar's thigh and started to rub where her long socks and skirt didn't meet.
"I will admit, this is the first game I'm actually watching. I'm glad it can be with you" he kissed her lips, her soft warm lips. "He better pay attention to the field" Sirius muttered. As much as James and Sirius hated it, the captain had to pick Ash Colten. James did a short notice tryout with all of the guys who were decent during the first rounds in September. Ash was the better of the group, even the two girls Emma and Jazz agreed.

"I'm sure he won't even think of coming over here" Skylar tried saying but Ash began flying around the stadium, continuing his show of skill. He waved to each girl he saw, blowing kisses at both Skylar and Lily. Sirius picked up his wand but Skylar pushed it back down. "Don't he's needed for the game" she warned. Ash was harmless, he just enjoyed attention. Sirius didn't think the same thing, holding Skylar's thigh tightly and watching for Ash's return. He could have any girl he wanted, except the two sitting beside him.

"Ravenclaw!!" Otto said next as the second team flew out to the field. Meeting in the middle, James got off his broom and met with Madame Hooch and the Captain of Ravenclaw's team Nicolai Paddle. He was a strong, rich colored male who had brains like no other. Ravenclaw was filled with geniuses, people who had a thirst for knowledge, but some were more extreme than others. Nicolai spent his days in the library, more so than Lily and Skylar combined. He was constantly speaking with Professors about his theories, Skylar was surprised to hear he made captain. Thinking he cared more for scholars than sports but he was just as good at both. As the captains shook hands, the crowd ceased their excitement. Both sides were feeling the energy of the teams up until this first moment.
First to go into the air was the golden snitch, Skylar noticed Austin watching the object intensely, his golden eyes never leaving the trail the small ball made. Next to be released was the bludgers, the team beaters Jazz and Stewart started beating their bats over their hands with excitement. Austin was with the team last year, Stewart was as well but Jazz was new. The hot headed 4th year girl was a beast on the field, Skylar had watched her hit targets better than her seasoned partner. She heard Sirius and James discussing how hard her bludgers hit, both excited to have her on the team. Finally the Quaffle was being bounced in Hooch's hands.
"I want a clean fair game" a warning she gave out every time. Ravenclaw was fair, Hufflepuff was, just like Gryffindor typically. The only team that didn't follow her warning was Slytherin. Skylar noticed a few of her house mates in the stadium on Ravenclaw's side, watching to see who they would face next round. James was already preparing to face Slytherin, hoping to capitalizing on them not having one of their star players.

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