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Skylar didn't lettered Lily that night. When the two got home after going to the ministry about the break in, she was too tired. Auror's checked their home, whoever was there wasn't any longer. Her school supplies were scattered, again ripped further than they were before. Pictures of Skylar and Liam were shattered, the two men were making a point by ruining what was here and destroying what they shared together.

Skylar was told to make a statement in the main office of the auror's that night. Liam tried arguing that she was hurt and needed rest, but they didn't care. They needed her when it was fresh in her mind, she had to explain to them who she saw how many wizards what time it was anything she could remember. Liam instructed her to not mention what they said about him and her. She wasn't sure why, but fear of getting him into trouble she said she couldn't hear what the intruders discussed.
Skylar stayed tired for days, not feeling safe in her own home anymore. She couldn't expect Liam to move them, she couldn't expect him to stay home from work until she went to school, she just had to stay home with the doors locked.

Liam promised no late shifts until she was on the train, he was worried for her safety. If he could he would have hired an auror to sit around outside all day but it wasn't possible. They were stretched for man power, dealing with missing wizards and pointless murders. He couldn't help but think of what would have happened if he wasn't the one to find Skylar that night. If those two had caught up to her, it would have been his fault. He refused their offer, now he was paying the consequences. Liam wished he could explain to Skylar what was going on but she couldn't know anything. She was already at too much of a risk.

Every day Skylar stayed in her room, she needed to rest her broken body. The dittany that her brother gave her helped to mend the bones but she was still sore from that night, bruises over her body and her eye was turning darker by the day. The only up side to the break in was that she didn't have to explain why she came home beaten up. She blamed everything on the fall from the window. Liam was smart, she didn't think he believed it entirely but for fear of bringing her back to that night he didn't mention it further.
She was afraid of being in their living space without Liam home. If someone was going to capture her, they had too much space there to do it. If needed she could jump through her window again, being underage and not allowed magic made her feel defenseless. She's never not felt safe in her home, they took that from her.

Skylar received letters from her friends the day before the train ride. The daily prophet newspaper wrote a story on her flat's break in, apparently it fit the narrative of what else was going on. Murdered muggles and muggle borns, missing half bloods, having her home broken into was further proof for whoever the reporter was that these times weren't safe.

Lily's letter was both an apology and a letter of concern. She explained that she went looking for her friend but couldn't find Skylar at Diagon Alley again. Lily asked to spend the night at her home but she didn't want her safety to be jeopardized so she lettered back telling her she would see her in the morning. Sirius James and Remus lettered her too, they explained how worried they were when they read the paper and wanted to be there to support her. She wished she could invite one or all of them over, being full blooded wizards and guys she felt safer with them here. Remus was half blooded like Skylar but she knew he would be less of a target than her or Lily. Whenever Skylar read about half blooded wizards in trouble, it was always females.

Liam's walk home felt like a walk of shame every day since the incident. He picked up Skylar's favorite meal from the local Chinese shop, like he did a few days ago, and walked home like he did a few days ago. He felt like he was living in deja vu, praying that his sister wasn't in the street dragging herself to safety. Their home should be her safety, it was for so many years. Liam vowed to find the guys who changed that for her, regardless of what they wanted of him he wasn't going to let Skylar suffer.

The two of them were quiet during their dinner, Liam spoke of his day at work but Skylar didn't have anything to add. Normally she would talk about her excitement for school or whatever new book she purchased, but she couldn't find herself excited about anything.
A knock sounded on their window, Skylar jumped making Liam's heart sting. He went to the window and received the owl's post with the most elegant school robe he thought she could have purchased. At least this wasn't ruined for school.
He suggested they went back to Diagon Alley together to buy new supplies, but she refused him. He didn't like sending her to school with ripped pages and squished ingredients but she didn't find it as much as a big deal. He was thankful his job could afford him the luxury of that option even if she refused to take it.

"This is a pretty robe" he said passing the opened package to her. He didn't trust the mail in case it was jinxed with something to harm her so he opened it before passing it over.

"You think?" She said, smiling for the first time in days "the seamstress made it special for me"
Skylar loved fashion, seeing her new robe made her feel happy again

"As she should have, you're one of a kind" Liam sat across from Skylar again eating his fried rice "so...uhm. I meant to ask you the other day but uhm" He cleared his throat "Antonin mentioned he saw you when he was helping to clear an anti ministry rally"

Skylar put down her chopsticks, she had forgotten all about his possible boy lecture
"Yeah I saw him taking the man into custody"

"Yeah" Liam said scratching his head "he said he saw a boy with his arm around you. Is there something you need to tell me?" His eyes caught her own, leaving no room to wander

This is what she preferred, his normal attitude towards boys and school. She begged for normality these last few days only to be shown with reminders of what ruined her safe place
"His name is Remus he's just a friend"

"Mhm" Liam said, not believing her answer

"Him and his two friends helped me escape the crowd when it began violent. If anything you should be thankful for their kindness" she said smirking

He scoffed
Skylar knew she had won, if she brought this up earlier it was possible she could have convinced him to let her bring them over.
"As long as it's not those Gryffindor boys"

She was going to retaliate but changed her mind, he was accepting her friendship with them she didn't need to ruin it by mentioning which guys she was friends with now.

That night was sleepless, as the last few were. As most tended to be, but now that she didn't feel safe in their home she couldn't imagine sleeping there ever again

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