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Skylar watched Dumbledore leave and two Aurors take his place. Matthew was one, Rowan was the other. He watched her as if she was going to beginning begging him to take her away, but she didn't. She kept to her pride and didn't talk to Rowan. Not once did she speak when he visited her, he yelled and screamed in her face but she didn't say a word back. Rowan went inside her cell and twisted her body around, back facing him, he placed her handcuffs around her wrist. Tightening them just enough to cause an uncomfortable chaff.
"Say the word" he whispered into her ear. Skylar didn't say anything. Rowan could take her away, kill Matthew, but he liked this game of cat and mouse they were playing. Prey and predator, she was the weak one not him.

Rowan grabbed Skylar's arm and began walking out of her cell together. When Skylar exited her torture chamber, her body relaxed slightly. Even just leaving the cell made her feel less insane. Looking back, she felt like she could see herself sitting there rotting still. Skylar knew a part of her died in that cold room, one she would never recover.

Down the spiral stairs, Skylar looked around to see if anything changed. It didn't, the castle was still cold and wet. The guard was still large and cold, the air still burned her face with its icy touch. Most on the island didn't changed, except one thing Skylar noticed did. The waves of the ocean were no longer banging against the wall of the castle, the sea calmed itself.

Apparating to the Ministry was a painful reminded of that day she was taken, even more were the blinding light she was subjected to. The warmth in the building when they entered made her skin itch, as if she was defrosting from her time in Azkaban. Wizard and witches looked at Skylar with disgust as she was dragged through the hallway, towards the elevator. No one allowed her a change of clothes, as she was still dressed in the outfit she was taken in. The shirt that belonged to Sirius was torn, her arm stayed exposed to the eyes of those upon her. Her shorts were filthy too, compared to the nicely dressed workers she looked completely insane. The outside matched the inside as she felt her mind was slipping into insanity too.

The elevator was thick with workers, all backing away from the girl who reeked of death. Skylar didn't care how she was portrayed, she was told to keep her composure and that was what she planned to do. No matter how many shoulders accidentally shoved into her, no matter how many raised their noses in disgust. She had to win her court case, then kill her brother. In that order.

Down the elevator went, past the department of mysterious that her brother used to work in. She wondered who took his office, then realized she didn't care and kept her eyes on the moving numbers for the elevator. Until they hit the 10th floor, a floor rarely used. She knew there was a court room down on this level, one used for high profile cases. She supposed she should feel honored that her case was so publicized. When the elevator stopped, Rowan shoved Skylar forward with Matthew walking behind the two. Dungeon like corridors lined the walls of this hall, the place Skylar should have been kept. She noticed each room was empty, no one was using these rooms anymore. It was true, all were sent to Azkaban instead of being held in the ministry's bottom floor. Rowan kept his hand on Skylar's arm, she used to be afraid of his touch. Now, she couldn't find herself caring. He beat her enough that she didn't fear his hands, it was just another passing day in the cell for her.
Two guards stood at the door, both taking a hold of a handle, they opened it together. Exposing Skylar to an warm lit room, the bright lights from the hallway no longer making her eyes sting. The walls of the court room were dark stone, completely different from the rest of the building. Skylar had never been this far down, no one typically went here unless the case was extreme. The center of the room had a chair covered in chains, it stood below rows of high benches where the Wizengamot would be seated. The Wizengamot were an all British wizard high court, consisting of the oldest group of wizards who were in charge of the law. They would be deciding Skylar's fate. For now the rows of benches sat empty, Skylar looked at the clock and saw it was 9:45am. Seeing a clock brought her an ounce of joy, seeing the world tick by was a pleasure not a requirement where she was. She was lost in a timeless world for months, she felt like she could watch minutes pass all day.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora