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Being on the third floor never bothered Skylar before but today it bothered her sore body.
Sleep escaped her the passed few nights, leaving her entire being affected by the lack of dreams.
She wouldn't let it be known to Liam, he would have stayed home from work and mothered her all day until she was tired from his nagging.
She knew Lily would notice, Severus not so much. He was oblivious to anything but Lily, all last year he pondered after her. It started to bother Skylar how much he obsessed over their best friend. She told him to lay off her a bit but he disregarded her entirely.

Walking down the stairs and finally reaching the Leaky Cauldron felt like an eternity but when she opened the doors she was greeted with the smells of fresh butter beer and pumpkin bread.
Her body relaxed feeling heated throughout, the warm fireplace was blazing in the far corner. Magic warmed the air around her as well, a cozy dive bar for local. The usual crowd was fixing themselves at the bar tops, bothering her neighbor for more rounds of fire whiskey.
Skylar nodded her head at the friendly barmaid and continued on passed all the drunk wizards and witches shoving beer into her direction.

As she exited through the back entrance, she was faced with a new familiar smell. Even without rain, the path towards Diagon alley smelled of fresh pavement being dowsed in drops from the clouds.
A cold breeze met her as she tapped the secret password on the brickwall, she shivered but tapped the final brick as planned. She watched as the wall matched her own movement and began opening for her eyes.
A small hole started in the middle, growing wider and wider until the fully formed archway on the familiar cobblestone pathway shined through.

Skylar smiled as she walked one foot and then the other through the magical wards keeping muggles from entering alone.
If a muggle ever found themselves with the code, they would see a mud filled lake with the smell of death wafting their way.
Wizards found the opposite, smells of coffee and pastries found their way into Skylar's senses reminding her that Liam asked for a few of his favorites for his dessert tonight after their dinner. He made dinner for them quite often, the only day that was different was the day before she left for school.
Tradition for them, Liam ordered from Skylar's favorite Chinese restaurant close by the day before she left for Hogwarts. They would spent the entire night together, catching up on the wizard sport Quidditch and eating their fill.

Skylar made a mental note to stop at the bakery on her way back out
She looked through her jean jacket for the note Lily send to her earlier this week
Meet me at Ollivanders I need to get my wand readjusted

Skylar nodded her head and decided that was a good place to start.
Slytherin's were known for being stuck up, but she hoped she painted a different picture for those who found themselves in her presence. She waved to each magical being she passed by, winking at any and all of the cute boys from school, even shaking hands with a few elves she walked beside who were busy buying bulk for their masters.

"How sweet" an annoying voice said from behind her

Skylar didn't have to see him to know who's voice directed themselves into her ears
"Sirius" she said not turning to look
She refused to give him the time of day, not in a place she could avoid him

She heard his footsteps coming close, along with a few others.
If she had to guess, she would assume his crowd followed him like the dogs they were.
James or Sirius, who led the group didn't matter. The rest followed them

"Summer is so lonely without you" James' voice rang next to her ear
She twisted her body around and met his glare
In height they were different, but in ego they were matched.
If their personalities were explosives, no one in the surrounding area would survive the blow up.
Fire meeting fire meeting a tripwire, that's how she saw James and Sirius against her
Remus was their water, drowning the attitudes before they could cause more trouble.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now