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Sirius laid by Skylar as she drifted softly to sleep, resting behind her with her body pulled into his chest. He needed to sleep before the night came and more trauma followed with it, but he also needed to know if anything happened to Skylar when he wasn't around. His mind wouldn't rest until he knew.

Softly, Sirius moved out of the bed and as quietly as he could, began walking down the stairs. Skylar was a soft sleeper, any noise woke her typically but he hoped her deep slumber that she well deserved would keep her mind at peace until he returned.

James was yelling at Remus for something to do with the pasta Sirius planned to cook, seemed like his friends were setting up the preparation for their dinner.
"I think I can boil tomatoes, but thanks Moony" James said waving his wand above a pot filled to the brim with fresh tomatoes Sirius bought from a farmer. Sirius watched from afar as the pot over boiled, spilling tomatoes everywhere that James then picked up and put back in the pot. "Heat kills germs right?" He asked out loud.

Sirius was a little concerned on being poisoned by his friend, so he walked down the steps and into the kitchen. Remus was waving his wand over the pot, bringing it to a slow simmer.
"You should be sleeping" Remus said with shifting eyes.

"Shouldn't have trouble with that now that you're worn out huh Padfoot" James said snickering. Sirius noticed James was covered in flour, his attempt at making pasta dough was eventful it seemed.

"I'm going back up there to sleep" Sirius said looking for Peter who was sitting on the couch next to Lily. Lily watched Sirius with a warning like she was next to tell him to go to bed. "Hey Wormtail, I've got a question"

Peter looked up from his pile of pages he ripped to match the one he accidentally did earlier. A prey being found by the hunter, Peter felt his insides twist at the look Sirius gave him. He resembled his animagus when his eyes shifted like they were, he was darkness in a human form.
"What's up?" Peter asked casually, one leg resting in his knee shaking obsessively.

"Just looking for some clarification on an event is all" Sirius said stalking towards his friend. The closer he got, the more labored Peter's breathing became. He hoped it wasn't as noticeable to his friends as he felt that it was. "Can you explain what happened while I was gone?"

James and Remus who were in the kitchen prepping dinner stopped what they were doing to listen. Both interested in Sirius' conversation, James wasn't around so he didn't know if something did or didn't happen while Remus was too occupied with his studies. Lily closed her book, waiting as well. She felt uneasy when she found Skylar on the ground, thinking that she might have hurt herself from falling but there was no bruise or injury that she could see. Meaning she was careful when reaching the cold tiled floor. Either she sat down on her own because she was feeling dizzy which could have been the case, or someone placed her on the ground instead.

"What do you need explained" Peter asked, looking around the room at all of the eyes lingering on him made his anxiety worsen.

"Just tell me what went on while I was gone is all" Sirius said standing in front of Peter. A power move, Peter sat while his opponent stood his ground.

"You left with Prongs, Moony and Lily were downstairs continuing our research. I offered my hand to Skylar to help her off of the couch which she accepted" Peter felt his blood pressure skyrocket. Did she tell him something different? What if their stories don't align...he thought to himself. "I walked her up to your bed room" the word tasted sour on Peter's tongue. "And towards your bathroom. I asked if she would be ok and she nodded her head, I offered to get Lily and she declined. She thanked me by giving me a hug and then I left your room. Something wrong with that?" He asked, baiting Sirius now. Peter knew Sirius wasn't stupid, he knew how much he liked Skylar. Their whole friend group received hugs from her, it wasn't uncommon. He wanted Sirius to make it into a big deal, so he could defend himself and bring up their other friends who he has no trouble allowing to touch her. If Skylar belong to Peter, he wouldn't let a single one of them near her. She would be his and his only.

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