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With hands swollen from the cold weather, Skylar politely knocked on the Potter's front door. She hated showing up this early, she didn't want to be more of a nuisance than she already felt like she was being.

She waited a few minutes, no answer.
"Of course they're sleeping I'm stupid" she said to herself.

Then the door opened, just when she was about to turn back around. A male with jet black hair was standing in the doorway. She knew without introduction that he was Fleamont Potter, James' father. He had the same hair and eye color as James, his son was a spitting image of the older male who was looking curiously at the small cold girl standing at his door.
"Are you ok dear?" His first words to her

"You don't know me but I'm friends with your son...this is going to sound terrible and I'm sorry for waking you but can I use your floo network to get back to school?" She asked, teeth still chattering from the snowy walk over

"Well of course, any friend of James is welcome here but will you stay and get warm first? I'm sure he would love to see you, Sirius would too. I'm sure you're friends with him if you are with James" Fleamont moved from his doorway, waiting for Skylar to enter

"If it's ok with you I would rather just leave without them knowing. I'm having a hard time right now"

He nodded his head
"If you insist. Though I can't promise they didn't—" he began to say but another voice traveled to Skylar

"Goose what's wrong?" James said from the stairway in their large home. He was standing with just sweats on his legs for clothing.

Hearing James use the word Goose made Sirius show up as well
"Skylar are you ok??" Sirius' voice was filled with concern

She felt her lips tremble again
"I-I just need to get back to school"

"I was going to warn you about how they don't sleep much when they are here" Fleamont said "too busy being rowdy those two" he said with a smile as he saw his son and his best friend run down the stairs and pull Skylar inside

Once inside she saw how beautiful his home was. He came from a family line of Gryffindor's and it showed in their decorations. Red and gold pieces lined the hallways, Skylar could see photos of James as baby up to recent ones filling the walls around her. They had a massive living space that she was being brought to, soft velvet couches and a giant fireplace that she was going to use to escape with. She could see the floo powder waiting for it's commander on the end table beside the stone center piece. James ran upstairs to grab as many blankets as he could for Skylar to warm up in and Sirius stayed by her side watching her closely.

Fleamont had gone back to his room to be with his wife, seeing that Skylar was in good hands. He didn't know the girl personally but he had heard stories of her many times. Skylar Miller the girl who his son was best friends with.

Sirius stared at Skylar, waiting to hear what brought her to James' house so early in the morning. She didn't speak, she just kept shivering while her body adjusted to the new temperature. He noticed her fingers were almost blue and her usually pale skin was even more so. Sirius took Skylar's hands gently into his and started blowing onto them to bring heat back into her system.

"H-He didn't w-want me" she said finally speaking

"Who?" Sirius asked. He expected her to say Rowan, he was waiting for that answer so he could leave and find his sorry ass. What he didn't expect was what her true answer was

"My b-brother" she said
He noticed her lip was trembling, she was fighting to not breakdown.

"What happened?" He asked still standing in front of her with her hands in his own

She didn't answer.
She looked at Sirius with pale blue eyes and brown hair. She was sorrow in a human form.

"Skylar" he said softly "it's ok, you can let it out"

And so she did. Skylar grabbed onto Sirius and pulled herself into his awaiting arms. He held her tightly, afraid of her broken pieces falling apart further. She let out a gut-wrenching wail as she struggled to breath, while tears of sorrow fell from her eyes and onto his chest. She collapsed onto the floor with Sirius still holding onto her steadily. James showed up at some point, throwing the blankets down, he ran for his friend and held her from behind. She was being surrounded by a shield of protection and comfort. James and Sirius didn't say anything as she fell apart. They just did the only thing they could do, they held her tight.

Skylar was stressed from Rowan and scared of his influence over her life. She was fearful of how he would react everyday now. How would she get away from him when he held so much power over her?
She was tired from being overworked all year, having to do multiple essays and homework to keep up with Rowan's classes and her own.
She was so heartbroken over her brother's reaction to her showing up at their home. What she thought was the safest place for her to stay, she was kicked out of. He was so angry with her, something she feared would happen when she disregarded his letter but she didn't think he would hold to his anger like he did.
She couldnt remember the last time she broke down as far as she did in this moment.

At some point she felt someone pick her up from the ground and carry her to a room. She knew it was Sirius, she could smell his intoxicating aroma. He held her like she was the most important piece to his collection. Like she was fragile and would fall apart if placed down.
James walked beside them, holding onto the many blankets he found for her.

They brought her to his room and Sirius laid her on the bed that he slept on. Even though the house had many rooms, Sirius and James preferred to stay together.

Sirius went to his pile of clothes and searched for something she could change into as James sat beside her and ran his hands through her brown hair. She noticed the difference in how she reacted to when James played with her hair and Rowan grabbed it. She wasn't scared of James like she was of him.

Sirius found a pair of sweatpants and a large teeshirt for her to put on. The shirt was Gryffindor merchandise and the pants were black, it could have been any color and she would have thanked him the same way. The kindness the two to them were showing her was something she would never forget.

After changing, James and Sirius laid beside her both on one side and tucked her into the blankets with them. She was in the middle of two of the most important men in her life and she couldn't feel more safe.

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