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Rowan left Skylar's side, sloppily, and walked over to Quill who arrived after he did. Quill's family is one of the riches families that attended Hogwarts. Slughorn invited him because of his Quidditch talent but she knew it was family reasons. If it was for Quidditch, James and Sirius would be here as well. They are far better than Quill is at the sport.

Lily watched Rowan leave, eyeing him darkly as the male made a fool of himself on his way to his friend.
"I thought you were smarter than this" Lily said out loud

"Hm?" Skylar said sipping out of her hot water mug

"You were someone with self respect" Severus said "not anymore"

"Shut the fuck up" Skylar said to him "you have no room to judge me"

"Tough words coming from the man of no self respect himself" Remus said, it was no secret that none of the Maraurder's liked Severus. Remus thought he was a joke, making fun of him was a favorite past time of the group. He didn't like how Severus thought he could talk to Skylar with disrespect.

"He's trying to help" Lily said defending him

"When will you stop defending him?" Skylar asked "he tore us apart. You put him before me" 
Just when things were feeling normal with Lily, Severus ruined it.

"You're the one ranking friendships" she said back "and dating the biggest asshole this school knows. I wish you heard the things Severus has told me he says about you"

Remus looked intrigued

"I'd like to say this has been fun, but the only fun part was with you Remus. I'll be leaving now" Skylar said to the group, leaving behind a plate filled with food and a worried old friend.

Skylar walked up to Rowan and grabbed his arm
"We're leaving"

He looked at her stunned, Quill laughed
"We're not going anywhere I just got here" he went to kiss her but missed her face and smashed his lips into her ear

"You're embarrassing yourself" Skylar whispered "come let's go sit in the common room we can sober up and relax together"

"You don't tell me what to do" he said shoving her away

"You said you were going to start treating me better" Skylar said agitated "this isn't being better"

Rowan waved her off and left with Quill to get more drinks. Skylar was now alone on the dance floor. She looked around and saw couples happily dancing, the Professors smiling and enjoying their time, everyone seemed to be but Skylar. She let Rowan ruin the night for her. Lily was starting to talk to her, ruined by Rowan. She wanted to show up as a couple, ruined by Rowan.

A friendly face approached her on the floor, Regulus came over smiling.
"Want to dance?"

She looked at Rowan who was eyeing the situation.
"Yes" she said back

Regulus took her hand and began dancing, the same routine as Remus did. Rowan didn't like seeing Regulus hold Skylar, seeing her in another guy's arms laughing made him want to drink more. Quill kept feeding him drinks, further amplifying his mood.

Regulus made Skylar laugh, something she was afraid she wouldn't do after her boyfriend ruined her last bit of party.
"Thank you" she said to him "if it wasn't for you and Remus this would have been a ruined party"

"You're going to be my sister in law one day, I've got your back" he said smirking

She rolled her eyes
"You're pretty confident about that"

"I am" he said back kissing her cheek "have a good rest of your night and holiday"

"You too, I hope house Black is as lively as it can get" she said feeling pity for Sirius' brother who didn't have a second place to go. Regulus hid how his family treated him, but she knew it wasn't good. He played along and acted like the perfect pure-blood they wanted, he wasn't as brave as Sirius when it came to being himself.

Skylar didn't look for Rowan when leaving. She opened the door and started walking back to the common room alone.
She was giving him another chance, one that he messed up again. He was out of chances, he couldn't prove himself longer than a few days.

She heard footsteps behind herself but kept walking assuming it was whoever had been following her for a few days now. This aura felt different though, she felt like she should be afraid.

The person following her grabbed her hair and ripped her towards them
"Where do you think you're going?" Rowan said, voice laced with whiskey and rage

Skylar tried getting his hand out of her hair but it was no use
"Let me go" she demanded

He tightened his grip
"I asked you a question"

"Back to the common room" she said

Rowan tilted his head and gazed at her blue eyes
"I thought I told you to change your eye and hair color back" he pulled her close "red and blue are the ugliest shades you could be stuck with. Change them back now"

"No" she said feeling brave

He took her body and slammed her against the wall
"Change back now"

"No" she said again, feeling a headache form from her head slamming against the concrete "I'm breaking up with you" she tried again

He laughed, once again thinking she was a joke
"No you're not. You know what happens if you break up with me right?"

She was silent

"You've learn to be silent that's my girl. Now if you break up with me, you're back to where you started. Everyone in house Slytherin HATING you. Remember being hexed all throughout the years?? Remember feeling like you didn't belong, because let's be real you don't you filthy half blood" he spit out at her "you need me. The only reason everyone even gives you peace is because you're beside me. Now, still want to break up with me?"

She felt her body shaking under his glare. He held her hair tightly in his hand and had her chin tilted towards his head. The tension in her neck was unbearable.
Rowan had never been physically harmful to her, this was a side she didn't know existed and was now fearful of. Skylar realized she was in too deep with him now
"N-No" she said "I'm sorry"

She wasn't brave. She couldn't stand up to him alone anymore. Not with his hand hurting her, not with him shoving her into the wall showing his strength, not with him reminding her of her place.
He kissed her and she let him. She knew in this moment she wouldn't be able to get free of him.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now