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"Yikes" Remus said looking at the spot that Peter disappeared from. Remus ran his hands through his fluffy brown hair, fearing the worst for Skylar. Peter was a vengeful friend, there was no telling what he would do to her.

"I can't believe he kissed you and stole your memories, that's disgusting" Lily said next to Skylar, her hand was on her best friend's arm keeping her in place. Lily never minded Peter, but there was something off about him she could tell he was deranged.

"I'll be back" Sirius said grabbing his wand from the coffee table. Skylar went to grab him but he apparated away from the group too.

"Moony you're in charge" James said doing the same thing, apparating away from his house. Lily had barely enough time to twist and see James' body disappearing.

"If Peter lives through the night I'll be surprised" Remus said heading for the couch. "Is that what you wanted to discuss with me Skylar?"

Skylar walked over to sit with Remus, Lily did the same thing. Both girls bookending Remus in the middle.
"I got carried away" liquor still running strongly through her system, she could feel her eyes shifting and her body swaying. "I shouldn't have cornered him"

"If it wasn't you, it would have been Sirius. He was looking for an opportunity like this" Remus said as both girls laid their heads on their friend's shoulders. Remus wrapped his arms around both of them, being their guardian.

"He mentioned telling me a discovery when he found out more details, this was that discovery?" Skylar asked

"When you were with us the second time your memory was stolen, you slept deeply enough to be worried about. When the three of us James Sirius and myself thought deeply about the cause we figured out it was because of the spell Obliviate. We had no proof, so Sirius didn't want to worry you until we did. If you didn't get your memories back, he would have been just as aggressive about questioning Peter" Remus had his hands moving in small circles on both of the girl's backs. The smell of cinnamon and old wool surrounded Skylar as she laid her head further onto Remus.

"He's going to tell your secret" Skylar said concerned

"Doubt it" Lily added "not because he's a good person, but because Remus didn't do any wrong tonight. Skylar, I would be worried about your own" Lily said looking at her best friend's arm. "You think James or Sirius will find him?"

"No" Remus said sighing "Peter won't get caught. I'm not sure what the rest of the year will look like, he'll probably switch with some block so he doesn't have to sleep in the same dorm as the rest of us. Then classes, he was usually my partner so I suppose I'll have to ask—"

"Blue?" Skylar said, smirking

Another sigh from Remus' lips.
"Yeah well he's not in all of our classes"

"But he's in some of them" Skylar said poking her friend's cheek. "Does he want to move to Romania?"

"He seems to" Remus said, realizing it was pointless to keep this conversation out of Skylar's mind.

"What would make him stay?" Lily asked this time, someone who also wanted to see their friend happy. "Isn't there something?"

"Romania is...different. He told me he gets sick once a month, Skylar I already knew about his werewolf gene. In Romania, you can live pain free because of the spiritual environment that Romania is surrounded by. If you are cursed in life like the two of us are, three if you count yourself, you'll find a safe haven there. I wasn't aware of the pain your eye caused you" Remus knew why she didn't tell him, the same reason why she didn't complain the following morning when she left Madame Pomfrey's. She didn't want him to feel more guilt.

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