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Soft dreams found Skylar during her night in Gryffindor tower. Liam's broken face didn't haunt her mind like it had the previous night, she didn't hear his wailing or her own echoing inside her head. She only dreamt of sweet emotions, and stars lining the night sky.

Skylar was the first to wake, when her eyes opened she noticed how dark the room still was. It surprised her being they were up high and not down below like her own room. She took in how thick the curtain's were, assuming the guys exchanged the normal ones for a black out style. In front of her vision was James, mouth wide open and a drool pile on his pillow. Skylar turned to her other side where Sirius would be, except at some point in the night his body changed into his animagus. A large black dog laid behind Skylar, scaring her into James who then jumped into Remus and then into Peter.

Skylar was pushed up against James who had his hand on her back. Her chest was expanding and falling rapidly, not expecting to see a dog so early in the morning. Skylar has slept beside Sirius a few times now, but he's never changed randomly on her.
"It's ok" James said sleepily

Sirius' eyes opened, the first thing he saw was Skylar's hair leaked of color and her no longer close to his side. Sirius went to speak but the sound he made was similar to a bark instead. Skylar backed up even further, this time she was behind James and Remus being shoved into by her. Peter put his hand out and touched Skylar's back, something Skylar didn't have enough focus to notice.

Sirius realized he was in his animagus form and quickly changed back.
"I'm so sorry" he said to his panicked girlfriend

"Sometimes Padfoot gets too comfortable and ends up as a dog by morning" James said, still guarding Skylar from his friend. It didn't matter that Sirius was the sweetest dog she could have the pleasure of knowing, he knew she was frightened and would stay in front of her until she was ok again.

"You know I won't hurt you, right?" Sirius asked, almost pleading with Skylar

"You barked at me" she said back, Sirius noticed Peter still had his hand on her, on her shoulder now. He was inching his way across her body.

"I was trying to speak, I didn't mean to" he said running his hand through his hair, stressed first thing in the morning wasn't how he planned to wake up with Skylar.

"She practically trampled us" James said moving from the bed now that Skylar wasn't digging her nails into his arm "I still think this should be our sleeping arrangements from now on though"

Remus stretched behind Skylar and then made his way out of the bed as well. Remus never was one with a lot to say in the morning, it wasn't exactly his favorite time of the day. The only ones who remained in bed were Skylar Sirius and Peter. James had gotten up to go shower, she could her the sounds of one starting. Peter, with his hand on Skylar, felt like this was a good moment for them. She would start to see how Sirius wasn't meant for her, she may have not went to him first in her moment of panic but she might one day.

Sirius hadn't taken his vision off of the hand on Skylar's shoulder, he was struggling between making a scene and staying neutral for her sake. He didn't have to worry much longer, Skylar closed the distance between them and moved into his chest. Sirius laid down with Skylar beside him, rubbing her back softly bringing her back to a calm state.

"I'm sorry" Skylar whispered to Sirius

"What do you have to be sorry for?" He asked her

There was shifting in the bed, Sirius knew Peter had gotten up finally leaving them alone. He made a mental note to corner Peter later and make him fully aware of boundaries. James and Remus had zero interest in Skylar romantically, Peter did. He wasn't allowed to touch her, ever.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now