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Liam and Skylar used their fireplace floo system to travel to Kings Crossing. Though it wasn't a far walk for them, he felt it was safer to travel by magic and not by the streets. When they arrived it seemed families were on edge, whispering to their kids as the two walked by them.
Skylar got this look a lot, being in Slytherin and being seen with Liam. He was feared, something she appreciated when in public together. Typically no one would bother her when he was next to her, that changed when their house was broken into. Liam feared someone else, something he's never done before.

She hugged her brother tightly, knowing that he will be lonely again while she's gone.
"I'll come back for holiday" she stated

"Please do" he kissed the top of her head "I'll miss you stay safe, letter me if anything happens ok?"

"I will" she promised to him before grabbing her bags and heading onto the platform.
She wished she had a friend to help her with her things, being sore and generally weak, but she held her shoulders back and figured it out on her own.

She went to find Lily immediately, hoping to get her when Severus wasn't around so they could talk but when she looked out a window in passing she saw her bright red headed friend with her greasy counterpart already walking side by side. It seemed like it would be impossible for the two of them to be alone, so she found an empty compartment and sat there by herself.
Students began flooding the train station, it was completely packed now that she was sitting down.

Liam usually waited for the train to leave before leaving the area but he left almost immediately when he saw she was sitting on the platform. She saw the rowdy group of boys enter the train station next, shoving each aside and laughing hysterically when James fell on his ass. Peter was with them again. It seemed whatever trouble they had with him was short lived. She debated asking if they wanted to join her compartment, but decided against it. She didn't want to make a fool of herself if they said no.
Students passed her empty compartment, looking for friends of their own. Each one passed giving her an awful look on the way by. She held her head high, as her brother taught her years ago when she was placed in the most difficult house.
"Don't let them see your struggle. Keep your head high"

The train began moving, she tried pushing passed the lonely feeling she felt having no one beside her but it ached in her stomach. She closed her eyes and let herself attempt sleep while waiting for the train to reach Hogwarts.

After sometime she realized she wasn't alone anymore, her head laying on someone's lap was the first indication of that. Lightly she let her sense become aware, the first thing she saw was James' face staring at her own. His eyes were bright swirls of blue shades vortexing in the circle of his iris.
She jumped out of the lap she found and straightened out her black long sleeved shirt and fixed her distressed denim pants that shuffled into an uncomfortable position while she slept.
"What are you looking at??" She barked at him

He smirked
"I was waiting to see how much longer you were going to sleep, I was growing bored of these gits. I figured if I stared at you long enough you'd wake. It worked"

She looked to her left and saw Sirius was the one sitting beside her, who she fell asleep on, again. Peter was beside Remus who was reading one of the books she bought him a week ago
"Prongs, one day you're going to find yourself in the most peaceful of moments, only for it to be ruined by Skylar seeking revenge" Remus said over his book

"What he said" Skylar said crossing her arms. She saw her skin was bright red, she shook her arms free of the color and saw that her skin tone was normal again
"I didn't mean to sleep on you" she said looking at Sirius

"I don't mind" he said winking, she caught herself before her skin tomatoed again.

"How're you?" He asked "you didn't reply to our letters" voice full of concern

"She did to mine" Remus said

James and Sirius' eyes shot wide open
"What?!" They both said annoyed "why not me??"

"Joking" Remus said chuckling, he put his book down "really though are you ok?"

Almost all of the guys were staring at her, Peter looked out of their compartment avoiding eye contact with Skylar
She gulped
"I'm fine" a normal line for her to say

"Bullshit" James said back

"Fuck you" Skylar hissed

"If you were fine you'd be with Lily right now who by the way tried coming into the compartment here but Severus pulled her away before she could even open the door" James said annoyed "I don't like the way he treats her. Like she's his to possess or something"

"I don't like it either" Skylar said confessing a truth

"So what are we going to do about it?" James asked menacingly

Skylar gave him a Slytherin's smirk, one that most feared being on the other end of
"Rain hell fire upon him"

James chuckled deeply
"That's right we're going to do just that. We have some new prank ideas and he is the perfect piece to play with"

She was never one to get involved in their pranks, but Severus deserved it trying to separate Lily from her.

"Skylar" Peter said, the whole room looked at him "I'm glad you're ok"
She nodded her head as a thanks, she couldn't say more. Risk of further questions.

Sirius glared at him but then refocused on Skylar
"How'd you get a black eye?" He asked, his hand moved closer to her face but he placed it down before letting himself comfort her

"I fell from our third floor to escape the two who were trying to capture me" she lied. Another group of people she didn't want knowing how hard it was being in Slytherin. Most didn't bother asking her how she felt there, if they did she would explain how difficult it was with no one on her side and everyone looking for a chance to hurt her.

"Mhm" Sirius said not convinced

"It's no big deal" she said pushing further away from his silver eyes "I'm fine"

"Famous words from you" James added "did someone hurt you?" He asked

"Give us names right now and that won't be a problem anymore" Sirius said in a threatening tone

James and Sirius stared at Skylar, waiting for a name to seek revenge on. It was exhausting being around so much male energy. Either they wanted to die for her or kill her. Luckily for her Remus was the only one who treated her with normal responses
"Skylar did you get a chance to read the book about nonverbal's?"

Skylar could have kissed Remus for changing the subject. Both James and Sirius sighed into their booth complaining about how all they wanted to do is talk about school.

"School hasn't even started yet" James said to Remus

"Nerds" Sirius said poking fun of Skylar and Remus

A knock on the door had Skylar's soul jump from her body. Sirius noticed her response, feeling the need to stand between her and the door he got out of his seat alongside James who opened the compartment
"Hello" a small boy said, if Skylar had to guess she would say the boy was a first year "I've been instructor to retrieve a Remus Lupin and Skylar Miller for a Prefect meeting in the back of the train"

Skylar got out of her seat and pushed passed Sirius who was still on edge from her reaction. He couldn't help the way his body shifted when she was scared. All he wanted to do was protect her from harm.

Remus and Skylar left the compartment and began their walk to the back of the train. He didn't ask her if she was ok as her pace was slower than his, he just matched her speed and kept beside her. She hoped when she got to school she could visit Madame Pomfrey for a potion to heal her bruises. She didn't want anyone else asking about her eye or why she had to stop moving after walking for a short distance.

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