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"Give my brother my best when you see him" Sirius said snapping Skylar back into reality

"Give it to him yourself, didn't you see him this summer?" She said back

"Don't you remember the part of the conversation where I said I stayed at the Potter's?" He questioned, looking deeper into her eyes "are you okay?"

His eyes were so enticing to look at, silver swirled around with mixtures of carbon and charcoal. She could look at his star filled eyes all day. Skylar shook her head, realizing that she had been staring up at Sirius for too long to be unnoticed by his peers
"I'm fine" she snapped

He didn't seem to take that for an answer but before he could breakdown her mood further, Remus interrupted them
"Where are you heading first?" He asked, voice smooth as leather

"I can't tell you" she said putting her hand up to her mouth to cover from James' view. She pointed to him, making Remus chuckle

"Meeting with the love of my life?" James asked pushing his way into her view, his freckle has stayed the same since he was a child but now he wore glasses, circle in shape. The two boys looked similar as children, but as they've grown they have separated their looks. James looks sophisticated, until his mouth started vomiting words. Sirius looked like a...rebel the best way to describe him. He wore muggle band teeshirts and owned more Gryffindor merchandise than any of the others in his group. Skylar knew everything he did was a show against his family's name.

"Meeting with my best friend yes" she retorted "leave so I can go find her in peace"

"Well now I can't. How can you expect me to leave when my future is waiting for me somewhere out in this cold wretched alley. She's probably shaking from the draft these gits bring along them entering the shops" James said, faking a chill down his body.

"The only cold one is our goose here" Sirius poked Skylar's arm, covered by a jacket but he knew she was shivering.

"Goose? I can't be anything else? Why a goose??" Skylar asked, voice laced with fire

"Well your name is Skylar, Sky is your nickname from us. Geese fly, it all makes sense" James said backing Sirius up

"Sky isn't my nickname from you guys you twats didn't start it" Skylar said, hair turning a shade of a brighter red to show her attitude forming

"Trying to fit in with the British by using our slang?" Sirius said "isn't there a better American word for twat?"

"Loudmouth, twerp, airhead, asshole, bastard, dickhead, dweeb, smart-ass, want me to go on? Or do you get how obnoxious you are already"
Remus found much humor in the way Skylar stood her ground against his best friends
The only thing better for him would be a cup of tea laced with wolfsbane

"I could listen to you give me pet names all day" Sirius flirted with Skylar in the past, but he was determined to make her blush this time around

"Don't you two have someone to go prank" she said, trying to avoid his handsome face "Remus can stay"

"Sounds good to me" Remus said back

"Why not me?" Peter whispered, something Skylar ignored but Sirius didn't. He wouldn't make a fool of his friend, but given how many times Peter brought Skylar up in the past he knew not to trust his friend around her. He didn't care for the way he looked at her, like she was something to possess instead of a flower to watch grow. Peter would pick her from the bushes, killing her immediately. Sirius wanted to see her in her element, watch as rain poured from the sky bringing life into her veins and sun beaming down onto her pedals bringing her nutrients to sprout higher.
He would never tell her this, but she was a beauty to see not to own.

"It's four against one, you're not finding a way around bringing me to my soulmate" James said bringing Sirius back to the conversation

"I thought Sirius was your soulmate" Skylar said looking around for Ollivander's
Skylar squeezed her body through a crowd that was forming in the center of Diagon Alley. In the middle of the crowd was a man, standing on a few wooden boxes barely strong enough to hold his weight, tall with a gut hanging over his loosely tied pants. His shirt was frayed and his hair looked weeks off of no showering. Skylar's nose scrunched the closer she got to the male yelling to the crowd, he stunk of fire whiskey. She felt the presence of the lost puppies she thought she escaped from beside her. James and Sirius stayed on her sides, blocking the crowd from trampling her.
She would have thanked them if she thought they wouldn't torment her for it later.
Remus was behind her doing the same thing the other two were, Skylar didn't see Peter. She hoped he got lost in the crowd without his body guards providing shelter.

"This has gone on LONG enough" The male's voice echoed through the crowd
His wand was at his throat, magically enhancing the volume of it
"The Ministry is keeping secrets from us!!" He yelled

Some voices in the crowd yelled in agreement

"Muggles going missing, muggle born wizards dying a MYSTERIOUS death?! Who's next?? HALF BLOODS I TELL YOU" his voice punctured Skylar's ears

At the mention of half bloods, Sirius and James moved in even closer to Skylar. Remus kept looking around, assessing the crowd.
It was known that the house of Slytherin has never let anyone without pure blood into their house. Skylar's brother paved the way as the first, receiving far more hate than she did. That didn't mean she walked on a golden bridge, she was constantly dodging hexes from full blooded wizards who thought she tricked the hat into letting her in.

"Beware, you" he pointed to the crowd, a small first year with her muggle parents. The outfits alone made them stand out
"YOU" he said next to a boy Skylar noticed in her year, a Ravenclaw muggle born wizard. Then the drunk male locked eyes with Skylar
"You" he said menacingly

Skylar wanted to shift uncomfortably under his pointing dirt crusted finger and gaze, but the lack of room she had made it impossible. She looked at the ground and noticed both Sirius and James had their wands at the ready, in case someone tried hurting her.

Up until this moment Skylar didn't think they cared for her, she thought they were playing around and making her agitated for their own game. It seemed after years of them following her around, the three guys grew to care for Skylar. Remus was smarter than James and Sirius, he wouldn't have his wand out but his eyes never left the scene. If someone was going to go after Skylar he would notice immediately.

A man in front of her turned around to see who was being pointed to
"Half blood" he spit in her direction
Sirius shoved him back, the male falling into another behind him causing that man to shove him back.

James pushed himself in front of Skylar, blocking her from the fight that was breaking out from the drunkest in the crowd. Sirius held onto her arm, standing close enough that she could smell his intoxicating fragrance. Now wasn't the time, but she couldn't help the way her nostrils flared at the scent filling her airway.
Sandalwood, vanilla, something rich. She couldn't place the last smell but it intertwined with her scenes the most. He smelled like gold

James began punching the male who originally spat at Skylar, but once his friend joined in against the teenager Sirius jumped into the mix not letting his best friend get tossed around alone.
Remus grabbed Skylar from where Sirius let go and dragged her out of the crowd

Auror's started apparating to the scene moments after Remus had Skylar far enough away that none could bring her harm
They started stunning pairs of wizards who were being the rowdiest. Skylar found herself hoping Sirius and James didn't find themselves in that mix

"I didn't think you guys cared" Skylar found herself whispering amongst the noise

She meant her words to be heard from her ears only, but Remus didn't miss anything
"You have no idea how much we do" he said squeezing her into his side

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now