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Skylar was flipping through The Daily Prophet a newspaper that was delivered by owl to every magical home in London
The owl who delivered the paper was a typical brown barn owl, the same as any delivery owl she's witnessed. Per usual the bird waited for its tip so she tore a piece of her bacon free from its sandwich and passed it along with a soft kiss to the forehead

Her breakfast was going cold but she couldn't tear her eyes from what she was reading
"More muggle deaths" she whispered

"Hm?" The voice of her older brother Liam said from across the flat, he was currently getting ready for his morning commute to the ministry to begin his workday

Their home was located in the center of town, the busiest street known to witches and wizards. It was right beside the walking entrance to Diagon Alley
A small apartment , two bedroom one bath but what the space lacked in wasn't what mattered to Skylar.
Even if this home was three times smaller than her American one, she was much happier living with Liam.

Her brother was a typical slytherin male, ambitious, clever, cocky, resourceful. The most known traits he followed fully, but what his coworkers didn't realize was that he loved deeply. Like any true Slytherin if you had the pleasure of being loved by one, you were never truly lonely. He was overbearingly protective, to the point where no boys were allowed at their flat. Lily, one of her closest friends was allowed whenever her own parents would allow it. But Severus, her other friend was banished. He kept her from boys as best as he could, especially Gryffindor ones who worked up her temper and his own. She couldn't imagine what Liam would do it if he found out how many dates she'd truly been on, or how she had four boyfriends already without his knowledge.

The summers in London were nothing compared to the summers in Los Angeles. The warmth hide from her here, leaving her skin permanently pimpled from the shivering cold wind that found it's way into her body.
The two most annoying boys at school, James Potter and Sirius Black never let her live it down how her skin was textured from the chill of Scotland, which was even worse than England.
They also found every way imaginable to mock her American accent
"Say it again" Sirius would ask in his most seductive voice during class

"Fuck off" she would spit back

He seemed to love when she blew fire in his direction, every time she grew angry he grew a smile

"Say 'dude' it's so cute" James would meet Sirius' taunt
She had the displeasure of being sat near them in almost every subject

"Tell us how 'rad' potions is" Sirius sent her way

Their friend Remus would roll his eyes, typical response from him
She didn't mind that one of the group
Their other friend Peter was weird, she didn't care for his staring eyes

She wasn't sure if it was because she was Slytherin or if it was because she was American, but those two loved to create hell for her.
She learned to give it right back to them, making her brother both proud and worried.
The first time her brother found out about their taunting was her first year in Hogwarts. She wrote to him immediately about two annoying boys who kept pranking her and distracting her from her studies.
Liam marched straight into the headmaster's office and demanded to see them
As my guardian he had the right to, but the headmaster Dumbledore assured him that he would handle the two troubled kids.
Loads that did

Skylar knew of The Black family, Sirius' brother was in her house and his cousin Andromeda was until last year when she graduated.
The Potter family was just as wealthy, with a high regarding last name to match his best mates
Both were pure blood, something the house of Gryffindor didn't care about but the house of Slytherin did.

Making friends in her own house proved difficult at first, and worse over the years. Kids were taught by their parents how to prejudge a fellow classmate on their statue. Skylar made friends with Severus because of Lily.
Lily and Skylar became immediate friends, even after being separated by houses she stayed being close to her.
Something the two Gyrffindorks found amusing. The only two with bright red hair in their year, being close friends and the nerds of their grade.
They called them twin flames

The insults came more when her hair would turn color, or her eyes would shift. Or her nose would grow, her height would shrink.
She was what's called a Metamorphmagus, someone who could change their appearance at will. It took Skylar until she was 13 to figure out her powers, before then it was her changing at random. Liam wasn't sure how to help at first, he found it amusing when she would change. Up until he found out the two Gryffindors were using it against her. He was who taught her how to control the power. Even though he lacked the talent himself, he researched alongside her all summer long before her fourth year to help solve the mysteries of her world.
As a mystery solver himself, he found it good research for his own career. As a brother he promised to do everything he could to make her life easier.

"More muggle deaths" Skylar said louder so her brother could join the conversation

He walked from the shared bathroom and grabbed a mug labeled best bro with his morning coffee still soaking the ceramic edges.
He walked over to the table, kissed her forehead and sat across from her with his hand out for the paper. She tossed it his way, waiting for his response to the news.
She saw he took his wand out and waved it over her breakfast, the smell of smoked sausage assaulted her nose once more.
"Please eat" he said eyeing her from above the paper

Skylar amused him by taking small bites of her sausage sandwich, then chewing as slow as she could

He rolled his eyes but she could tell he bore a smile.
"Muggles die from many aliments, I wouldn't worry about this" Liam placed the paper down, folding it neatly first. He was particular in how things were placed in their home, making it spotless.

"But the way they are dying is suspicious, no? The muggle cops can't find anything wrong with their bodies they just die in a pool of blood...just like" she started to lose herself to her own thoughts. Images of her parents dead bodies surrounded her nightmares. Liam made her a calming potion on those nights but what he wasn't aware of was she was affected almost everytime she closed her eyes.
If he gave her a calming drink every night she would start to suffer from long term effects of it, which is damaging to one's mental health.
As if hers isn't damaged already

"Sky" he said in a tone he used often when he was worried for her. He cleared his throat "did you pay mind to the healer I suggested?"

She tisked
"I don't need a mind healer"

"I did after I found you that day" he said softly
She knew that he saw Madame Prescott once a month still, she helped him to overcome trauma in his life. Both from his job and from his childhood.

"I'll consider seeing her" she said to play nice

Liam scooted out of his seat, pushed it back in neatly like he does and smoothed out his all black suit
"You'll be okay getting to Diagon alley?"

She rolled my eyes
"Yes mother hen, it's right next to us"

"One day you'll thank me for how I treat you" he said in a haunting way. Skylar knew he cared and was right. Liam grew up with distant parents and refused to allow her to feel the negative affects of that.
It was common knowledge between the two that their parents were upset about their magic blooming. Their mother wanted nothing more than a normal life. She could have thought of that before marrying and producing with a wizard.

"I love you stay safe" Liam said placing another kiss on the top of her head. He took his briefcase and started walking towards their fireplace

"I love you too" she said as she watched him gather a handful of floo powder, throw it at his feet and yell out his destination. With a crack of blue flames, he disappeared leaving her alone to depart to Diagon Alley to meet with her best friend

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