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Sirius paced around the classroom, feeling massively guilty. He told Skylar he would go with her, he messed up badly but forgetting their conversation. Sirius' mind betrayed him, he was beginning to think he was going crazy. He knew she would be anxious to speak on the subject alone, sleep deprivation didn't excuse his actions. When she waved to him to follow he should have immediately. It's like she told him twice and his mind wasn't focusing. When the door to the Professor's office opened, Sirius raced to meet Skylar at the bottom of the stairs.
"Sky I'm sorry" Sirius started with "i should have been in there with you"

"It's fine" Skylar said, stabbing at Sirius' sleep deprived mind. She continued walking passed him to their friends who were huddled in a circle. Upset at first that Sirius didn't follow her inside, now she was left with anger. "I have to meet with Professor Griffin on Thursday's like last year. He said my mind needs to be strengthened. It's the only way for me to stay in control. I can't be expecting someone to place a barrier everywhere I go"

"Thursday's are when Quidditch practice are being held this year" Sirius said. Meaning he wouldn't be able to walk her back and forth to her classes, but it also took her away from watching him practice. Sirius loved seeing Skylar in the stands last year, he felt like it gave him an extra boost of confidence to see her beautiful face smiling up at him. She would bring her homework, a large book and the blanket that James gifted her to keep her warm, hours she would sit watching Sirius ride on his broom. Never once complaining.

"Well now I'm also doing training on Thursdays" Skylar said back. She felt as though Sirius let her down, not following his word on being by her side in the meeting. For the first time since their relationship began, she felt pissed at him.

"You can't pick another day?" Sirius asked. James and Remus shared a look, scrunching their mouths. Lily was just waiting for the moment that Skylar asked for her help, she would lay it into Sirius again.

"This is important for me to figure out. Griffin said it's the only available day so no" Skylar crossed her arms over her chest. It didn't help that she was also sleep deprived, having no choice but to sleep alone. Shadow helped, as he usually did when she was without her boyfriend, but she missed Sirius' warm body beside her. The comfort he brought to her unconscious being, knowing that she was safe as long as he was around.

"Ok, so let me get this straight. You are gone every night to patrol the halls, even though James and Lily don't go that often, and now you're taking away Thursdays which is the only time for you to see me practice. Want me to let you know in advance when my games are so you can schedule something on those days too?" Sirius said, equally as bitter.

Lily audibly gasped. The audacity of Sirius to claim a sporting event was more important than Skylar's occlumency training made Lily's blood heat up. Skylar's hair turned bright red, along with her eyes. She looked like a demon spawned, matching the shade of a raging hell fire.
"What the fuck is your issue?!" Skylar yelled.

Someone cleared their throat, the group all looked up at Professor Griffin who was hanging out at the top of his stairs.
"Hate to break up your lover's quarrel, but I'm trying to eat my lunch in peace. Find somewhere else to argue"

Skylar took Lily by the hand and stomped out of the classroom with Sirius on her tail. James Remus and Peter awkwardly followed, not knowing if they should intervene.
"My issue is that you are actively choosing to spend time with another guy, every damn night!" Sirius yelled out.

Skylar whipped her head around so fast she caused a tightness in her neck.
"It's not my fault he wants to go on fucking patrol all the time! You think I'd rather spent time with Jackson than you?!" The once quiet hallway echoed now with the yelling match between the couple. Students who were close by began to watch, ease dropping was a favorite experience for those in the castle.

Sky Full Of Stars *Sirius Black Love*Where stories live. Discover now