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James was done with letting Skylar make the wrong choices.
He walked up to her and lifted her onto his shoulder and began walking to their compartment.
"James!!" Skylar said smacking his back "let me down"

"No" he said back
Sirius was walking behind James with Skylar, Remus was leading the group.

Skylar put her arms out reaching for Sirius, she was going to trick him into helping her get down. Once she was done she was going to hex James' head bald.
Sirius didn't fall for her trick, he was too occupied with looking behind their group. He was watching Rowan who didn't take his eyes off of Skylar.
She watched as Sirius flipped him off before they entered their compartment.

Once inside James put Skylar down onto the cushions and sat in front of her, with his arms crossed
"We need to talk"

She sat up, pushed her hair from her face and glared at him
"We need to talk??" She repeated

"Is there an owl in here?" James asked his group

"A cute one" Sirius said sitting beside Skylar who moved away from him, hair turning more red by the moment. He wasn't fazed by her shifting

"Ok I'll humor you. What do we need to talk about?" She asked

"Jackburn is the worst person you could be seen with" Sirius said from beside her

"I know you've seen how he acts in Quidditch. He is a cheat and attacks other players on purpose. He hit me in the head with a beater's bat last year giving me a concussion" James said

"And" Sirius continued "his reputation outside of the field is even worse. Every girl he's dated has been left broken. He dated Marlene last year and completely devastated her. She wouldn't even talk about what happened and she talks about everything"
She knew Marlene McKinnon and Rowan were a couple for a few months last year, then out of nowhere he dumped her. She didn't know any more details than Sirius did.

"Who says I'm trying to date him, or that he's trying to date me??" She said, eyes turning red

"You're beautiful who wouldn't want to date you" Peter added
Sirius' nose scrunched up in dislike, but he didn't disagree with him

"I told them to leave you alone" Remus said

"Remus is the only one with a brain here" Skylar said getting out of her seat "stay out of my life"

"No" James said, Sirius nodding his head in agreement

"Fuck you guys" Skylar grabbed the compartment door and slammed it open. Without looking back she walked through and slammed it shut behind herself. If the glass broke she wouldn't have been surprised.

Remus took a deep breath
"Told you"

"ToLd yOu" James mocked Remus

"Way to push her towards him, not against" Remus said back

"Well what would you have done?!" Sirius yelled at Remus

"Not that" Peter said

"Fuck you" Sirius snapped, he went for the door but Remus pulled his arm back

"Leave her alone. We have bigger issues to deal with remember? Let's start with Bartemius and Adrian" Remus said looking at his friends "they're the worst of the group, no? Rowan hasn't done anything yet and Severus has been a target plenty of times. I shouldn't be egging you two on with this, being a prefect, but focus on the two who hurt her and then work on who might not even be a problem. She might see for herself what he's really like"

"And if she doesn't?" Sirius refused to see Skylar broken like his friend was, like so many girls have been after being with Rowan.

"Then we support her in the only way we know how" James said, a smile crossed his face that didn't meet his eyes.

Sirius nodded his head to him
"We fuck him up too"

Remus rolled his eyes but didn't add anything else to the conversation. Peter got out of his seat and went for the door
"I'll be back" the door closed behind him

"He's being weird this year" Remus said

"He's being a git" Sirius said "does he really think goose is going to fall for him one day?"

"I hope she does" James said smirking

"I heard Lily liked Severus enough to ask him out. Maybe that's what she's doing now" Sirius said back

James' smile washed away
"Maybe I should go check on Lily"

"Maybe we should just sit here until we get to Hogwarts?" Remus practically begged

"No" Sirius and James said, exiting the compartment leaving Remus alone this time.
He opened the book he started with when Skylar and him left for their prefect meeting and decided what the two idiots did now would not be his problem. Not until they reached school.

When Skylar left the compartment she had to decide where she would go next.
She could find Rowan, seeing that he seemed interested in her company but then she would have to sit with Adrian and Quill both who she would rather avoid.
She could find Lily and apologize but seeing that she didn't feel like she did anything wrong she refused that option.
She could find a friendly face in some other compartment, maybe Regulus was in a quiet space.

She decided the last option was the best for her, Regulus wouldn't say much if she sat with him. Silence was really what she wanted.

She searched each compartment, seeing friends happy with each other annoyed her further.
When she found Regulus he wasn't alone, he was sitting with Peter which she thought was odd. She didn't realize they were friends.
Skylar didn't want to sit with Peter, so she found herself going back towards the Slytherin's end of the train where she knew she would find company in the worst way.

Rowan noticed her when she walked by his door, he opened it immediately
"Where are your guards?" He asked leaning against the opening

"They're not my guards" Skylar said back
His arms were tan, she could see a line from the sun around his wrist where a possible watch was laying in the summer. She wondered where he was living for him to receive so much sunshine. His brown eyes matched his dark hair, full dark eyebrows, he looked like he was sculpted from years of practicing Quidditch. But his face was cold, free of emotional baggage.

"Seemed like it" the way his body laid relaxed made it look like he hadn't a worry in the world. Skylar couldn't relate, she had a list of worries now. She's seen how brutal he is on the field, she's seen the list of girls curse his name after their rocky ending. For once she didn't care of the outcome. She was looking to be around someone who didn't care for her, who had no interest in her well being.
"Coming?" He said as if the matter was discussed.

She didn't answer him, he moved from the door and inside she followed.

Rowan inspiration

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Rowan inspiration

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