Ch. 2: Captivity

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Head pounding

Heart racing

Blurry vision

That is all Susan feels and sees when her eyes begin to slowly open, her feeling like she is laying on clouds or soft cushion, her seeing bright chandelier light above her that makes her eyes lightly squint shut.

As she lays there the memories begin to return to her full fledge, her eyes widening as she immediately sits up. She is still in her black minidress, but her heels missing. She looks around the rather nice and luxurious room, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

She quickly gets up and runs over to the door, the knob not turning when she tries to open it. She begins to pull on the doorknob when it doesn't budge, her eventually slamming her hands against the door.

"HEY!" Susan yells out. "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! WHY AM I HERE?! LET ME OUT!"

Sabrina grunts lightly as she dabs her bruised cheek, her and the other five being around the dual monitor set that shows Susan hitting on the door hard while screaming and yelling.

"You good, babe?" Victoria asks, her moving her thick black hair out of the way of her face.

"That bitch hits fucking hard." Sabrina states.

"Awww Sabrina." Luciano states mockingly in his thick British accent. "Did she give you a run for your money now? Making you slack off?"

"She's a lawyer I didn't think she knew how to throw a punch!" Sabrina defends. "Otherwise I would've been prepared."

"Yeah she looks big mad." Victoria states in a deep voice, seeing how Susan tries to kick down the door. "Damn! Okay I respect her."

"So....who's going to go in there?" Darian asks.

"What you scared to go and face her until Boss arrives?" Viking smiles at him.

"I'm not scared!" Darian defends.

"Then go in there and calm her down." Victoria motions. "Bring her food too, boss won't be here for a week so she needs to be feed still."

"Why can't San go in there?" Darian motions towards Santiago. "Out of all of us he's the biggest."

"Please Santiago can barely speak two words. She needs comforting words right now." Victoria shrugs. "And since me and you are the most approachable go in there."

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