Ch. 78: Nothing Personal, Just Business

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(A few weeks later.....)


"Please tell me that we have something about this goddamn recipe." Sam states, him being in the control room along with the others, him being dressed in his normal al attire of a suit and vest with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Unfortunately not much, Boss." Luciano replies.

"We know the place Ryan stole the recipe from is some kind of military place, but I can't flash my authority around here because this isn't America, I don't hold any authority here in Europe." Rita states.

"So military made this recipe?" Sam asks.

"We don't know that for certain." Zayn answers. "I'm willing to bet you the daughter Annabelle is still alive, why not kill her for punishment when Ryan failed? Obviously this KingPin has the guts and cruelty too based on what we've learned about him and the ones he has killed."

"So what are you thinking?" Sam questions.

"Maybe this KingPin took Annabelle as a punishment when Ryan failed maybe to kill you or Maxine." Zayn states. "I mean clearly he made the deal with the KingPin for a basic exchange....he uses the KingPin's people to help kill you both and in return he gives the KingPin the recipe. Since he failed to kill you both then the KingPin probably took Annabelle for punishment."

"Teresa said how we ruined everything when we killed him, and how he can't protect her anymore since he's dead." Luciano says. "Do you think maybe he made another deal with the KingPin?"

"Probably, probably along the lines of he won't give up the recipe if his daughter is killed." Zayn replies.

"Wow, this guy actually had a heart to try and keep his wife and daughter safe." Victoria sighs. "I am doing everything I can to find out something about the recipe and try to assist Sabrina with finding the little girl, she doesn't deserve all of this."

"I think this KingPin guy doesn't even know that Ryan is dead." Esther comments. "And I have a feeling that when he does find out about it that is going to put a target on our backs, since we killed the one guy who had the recipe."

"He could already very well know, which is why he started screwing with the our firearm orders." Viking says. "Which by the way we are still doing but the deals Luca got for us along with Hopper's containers are making up for it perfectly and even more so, so we are still bringing in even more arms and money without him even knowing about it."

"Good." Sam states with crossed arms.

Santiago listens in on the conversation without actually listening in on the conversation, his eyes being focused on his phone and staring at the numerous amounts of phone calls and text messages that he left Mikayla.

But all of them having no answer.

It has been a long time since he has felt angry, he prides himself into knowing that he has a lot of patience, but this is honestly pissing him off royally.


Santiago looks up, him staring over at Sam who looks at him with raised eyebrows. "Yes?"

"You alright?" Sam questions.

"I am."

"I was asking you did Sabrina let you know when she will be back?"

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